Tag Archives: Bonnie Morse

A ferry repair ‘nightmare’ for island fisheries as lobster season begins

 The Grand Manan Adventure was set for a scheduled six-week refit and was supposed to be back in service this past weekend, Morse said. With lobster season kicking off Monday, that’s meant the smaller Grand Manan V has been on the hook to carry the catch, as well as islanders, back to the mainland. “There was a lot of work that they had to do, so we knew it was going to be a longer-term thing than what was normal,” she said. “For Grand Manan, the lobster fishery is the backbone of our economy and it’s vitally important that we have the ferry capacity to be able to ship lobster, because it’s a live product. It needs to get off the island quickly and in a timely fashion.” >>click to read<< 10:24

Bay of Fundy fishery has whale of a problem

I’ve worked for the Grand Manan Fishermen’s Association for 25 years. It’s been a good career; there’s always something new in the fishery. I’ve gotten to know some great people both locally and across the country. I come from a fishing family: my father, brother and brother-in-law are all fishermen. I have a strong attachment to what I do and why I do it.,, The right whales ventured north to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Things were bad last summer. Twelve whales were found dead. Two were entangled in fishing gear. The rest: blunt force trauma or unknown causes, though none of those had fishing gear on them. Government swung into reactionary precautionary mode. We watched amazed and horrified from the other side of the Maritimes while fishery after fishery closed.
Then last week it was our turn. by Bonnie Morse >click to read<21:25