Tag Archives: by Thomas Massey

Remembering Tylar by Thomas Massey

Tylar Michaud, a promising young man and a lobsterman, went missing off his boat while he was out hauling his traps. Tragically, but beautifully, his celebration of life was held Aug. 20. Then, Monday, shortly after that, he was found and brought home by another lobsterman. I didn’t know Tylar. I don’t know that we ever met. What I know of him, I know from stories, posts and pictures about and of him. I know that he was the only other person, even at his young age to captain this other captain’s boat. He was trusted enough to take others’ children out to sea, and to return. He was headed to the Maine Maritime Academy. I know the entire community searched and grieved and worked together against hope to bring him home. From the first hours when his boat was found nearby, lobstermen immediately used their boats, the source of their livelihood, and got to work hoping to rescue him. And then sadly, only hoping to find Tylar. People walked the shores, planes piloted with community funded donations flew and searched, the Marine Patrol, Coast Guard and other services searched. >>click to read<< 08:05