Tag Archives: carnivorous fish farming
New study uncovers fishy business with way feed is provided to major aquaculture operations: ‘The industry destroys food’
The fish farming industry has been using inaccurate data to downplay its role in the overfishing problem, a new report says. The fish farming industry has been drastically underreporting the amount of fish it pulls from the ocean each year to feed its carnivorous fish populations, according to Brigitte Wear of DeSmog. Salmon and trout subsist entirely on other fish and are also two of the most valuable farmed species in the world. However, according to a study by Science Advances, the industry is pulling 307% more fish from the ocean than previously reported. “What we understand about carnivorous fish farming has relied on the most optimistic data,” said Jennifer Jacquet, an environmental scientist at the University of Miami and co-author of the study. “The picture is not as rosy as previous studies led us to believe.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:20