Tag Archives: Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi

Search suspended for Captain Michael Ramirez of F/V Lady Nora
The Coast Guard has suspended its search for a missing shrimp boat captain who fell overboard near Port Aransas, Texas, Sunday. Coast Guard crews searched approximately 1,416 square miles for over 32 combined hours. Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi watchstanders received a call on VHF-FM channel 16 at about 7 a.m. stating the Captain of the shrimp boat F/V Lady Nora had slipped and fallen overboard 7 miles northeast of the Port Aransas jetties. >click to read< 07:54

The search is on for overboard shrimp boat captain in the Gulf
The Coast Guard is searching for a 40-year-old man who fell overboard a commercial shrimping vessel near Port Aransas, Texas, Sunday. Missing is Michael Ramirez, who is 6-feet tall, 180 pounds and was last seen wearing a black jacket and boots. Ramirez was not wearing a life jacket. Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi watchstanders received a call on VHF-FM channel 16 at about 7 a.m. stating the captain of the shrimp boat F/V Lady Nora had slipped and fallen overboard 7 miles northeast of the Port Aransas jetties. >click to read< 14:30

Captain medevac’d from commercial fishing vessel 40 miles off Baffin Bay
The U.S. Coast Guard medevaced a man from a fishing vessel 40 miles off Baffin Bay, Texas. Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi command center watchstanders received a medevac request via VHF-FM channel 16 at 5:23 a.m. from the fishing vessel F/V Jake M stating the vessel’s 58-year-old master was experiencing chest pains and an accelerated heart rate. photos, >click to read< 11:59

Coast Guard medevacs crewman from commercial fishing vessel 9 miles off San José Island, Texas
The Coast Guard medevaced a crew member Saturday from a fishing vessel 9 miles off San José Island, Texas. Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi command center watchstanders received a medevac request via VHF-FM channel 16 at 11:41 a.m. from the fishing vessel Thai Express stating a crew member had fallen and sustained a head injury and a broken arm. Watchstanders consulted with the duty flight surgeon, who recommended a medevac. Video,>click to read< 08:50

Coast Guard assists fishing vessel with 2 onboard taking on water 15 miles off South Padre Island
The Coast Guard assisted two mariners aboard a fishing vessel taking on water off South Padre Island, Texas, Sunday. Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi command center watchstanders received a mayday call relayed by personnel aboard the F/V Promised Land at 12:20 a.m. that the F/V Salvador R was taking on water with two crewmen aboard approximately 15 miles offshore. >click to read< 16:28

USCG medevacs 2 crewmen from fishing vessel 3 miles off South Padre Island, Texas
Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi command center watchstanders received a call on VHF-FM channel 16 at 10:34 a.m. from the commercial fishing vessel F/V Miss Verna stating that two crewmen were unconscious after entering a confined freezer space. Watchstanders consulted with the duty flight surgeon, who recommended a medevac. A Coast Guard Station South Padre Island 45-foot Response Boat–Medium crew launched to assist. Once on scene, the boat crew worked with South Padre Island Fire Department personnel to remove the crew members from the confined space and transfer them to the RB–M. Both men were conscious but exhibiting labored breathing. >click to read< 16:16

Fisherman medevac’d from shrimp boat 15 miles off Baffin Bay, Texas
The Coast Guard medevac’d a 58-year-old male from a fishing vessel 15 miles off Baffin Bay, Texas, Thursday evening. Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi watchstanders received a report at 8:30 p.m. Thursday from the crew of the Los Nietos, a 77-foot fishing vessel, stating a crewmember suffered a head injury. >video, click to read< 13:51

Coast Guard medevacs fisherman near Port O’Connor, Texas
The Coast Guard medevaced a mariner from a fishing vessel approximately two miles offshore Matagorda Bay near Port O’Connor, Texas, Sunday morning. The Matagorda County Sheriff’s Office received a request from a fishing vessel, F/V Lady Nora, for a medevac of a 52-year-old male crewmember experiencing symptoms of a heart attack. Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi watchstanders were notified and consulted with the duty flight surgeon who recommended the medevac. Photos, >click to read< 19:38