Looking Back: 2007-Wake up New Jersey before more of your tax dollars are wasted on Governor Corzine’s offshore windfarm

The Governor is proposing to create a huge 80 unit windfarm capable of producing 350 megawatts of electricity in the waters off the south Jersey shore at an estimated present cost of 1.5 billion dollars. Last week New York cancelled plans for a smaller farm, of about 40 windmills, off of Jones beach because of rising cost estimates already over 700 million dollars for a project originally projected to cost about 200 million. New York officials were smart enough to recognize a financial black hole before they started it. Are New Jersey officials? >click to read< 13:47
thanks for digging this up, it originally appeared as an opinion piece in the Asbury Park Press on Sept 5 2007. Points out the more things change the more they stay the same. The most important aspect of this piece was the cost comparison between windfarms and solar panels and who benefits from them. This is the argument we should be fighting for, local individual production of electricity that benefits the taxpayer/homeowner over overpriced environmentally harmful electricity produced by multinational conglomerates who only look at Americans as schills to hoodwink with their complicated version of three card Monte. The value of solar producing electricity at the most critical demand period, is also overlooked by those pushing wind, who don’t want to admit that now some countries have to pay their windfarms to shutdown because they can’t utilize the feast or famine production of windfarms especially when there is little demand when the wind farms produce it.