Tag Archives: commercial fisherman Mike Coppa

A Call for a More Long-Term Solution to the Shoaling Problem in Ocean City’s Inlet

For commercial fishermen like Mike Coppa, getting through the inlet is not as easy of a task. “In any waterway you’re supposed to be able to come in between them buoys and have water, but right now no, no, no,” said Coppa. “You have to be on top of that red one and almost run it over to find water.” Coppa’s 75-foot fishing vessel, F/V Instigator, ran aground back in March. Since then, he said he and his crew have avoided Maryland all together. “We had to basically change our plans and fish in other states that we had quota, and then we ended up going to New England scalloping all summer,” said Coppa. Video, >click to read< 07:56