Tag Archives: discards

Wasted – Our global food system discards 46 million tonnes of fish each year. Why?

From the moment a fisher lands a fish to the moment that fish lands on your plate, 27 percent of it will disappear.,,,It may surprise you, then, to learn that the Seafood Expo North America in Boston, Massachusetts, the largest gathering of the seafood industry in North America, does not stink. Not really. It smells of cleaned carpet and newly printed brochures and freshly scrubbed businesspeople, of men in ironed shirts and women with flat-ironed hair.,,, Around 22,000 people come from 50 countries to buy, sell, and market every consumable marine product imaginable. >click to read< 13:36

A day at sea – Cod, skate, discards and an observer

It’s cold, dark and slippery at 2 a.m. at the Gloucester pier, and as most people are in bed or just going home from a late night out, Capt. Al Cottone is trying to start his engine and prepare his fishing vessel, the Sabrina Maria, for a day out at sea. The Sabrina Maria is a member of Gloucester’s day fishing fleet, now hovering around 12 boats of what used to be a much larger contingent. This morning Cottone is taking the 42-foot trawler out around Stellwagen Bank, about 15 miles southeast of Gloucester, to trawl for cod, haddock and other groundfish as he skims the coast. >click here to read< 21:18

Hugh blamed for new law that could devastate fishing industry in Plymouth – lunacy and madness

Westcountry celebrity chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is being blamed for the new rules thanks to his televised Fish Fight campaign, which targets discards. At present fisherman have to throw back fish they don’t have a quota to catch, and the Fish Fight campaign has been working against that. The new rules mean they won’t be allowed to throw them back – or land them. Jim Portus, chief executive of the South West Fish Producers Organisation, said fishermen hate discards as it made a mockery of their hard work.  Read the rest here 10:05

The guilt never fades over wasted fish

I have been a commercial fisherman for more than 30 years, and I’ve caught a lot of fish. I feel good about that. But there is one aspect of commercial fishing I haven’t felt good about the entire time. The waste. People are starving in many places on our little blue dot, and I and my men have probably thrown away close to half a million pounds of fish in my fishing career. Why, you might ask? continued@blueridgenow.com