Tag Archives: Dorchester watermen
Maryland’s DNR chief won’t say why he fired longtime manager of crab program
Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources Secretary Mark J. Belton on Monday offered lawmakers no explanation for why he fired the longtime manager of the state’s crab program days after watermen complained to Gov. Larry Hogan about the employee. Belton repeatedly declined to justify the dismissal during a joint hearing with the House and Senate environmental committees, as Democratic lawmakers questioned whether the termination of , a 28-year state employee, was politically motivated. “Isn’t it true that since you couldn’t give these watermen what they wanted by changing crab policy, you gave them something else — Brenda Davis’s job?” asked Sen. Paul G. Pinsky (D-Prince George’s).Belton, who said he could not comment on personnel matters, said that critics were “trying to make connections where there are none” and that Hogan (R) had nothing to do with the dismissal. “It was my decision, and my decision alone,” he said. continue reading the story here 08:22
Dorchester watermen confront Maryland DNR Secretary Gill
High increases in licensing fees, idle oyster bottom and voracious striped bass were among the issues that confronted Maryland Department of Natural Resources Secretary Joseph Gill when he came here Tuesday to speak with the Dorchester County Council and local watermen.One waterman said he paid $3,200 this year to work on the water, and another said his fees totaled $2,800. more@cecildaily 11:02