Tag Archives: Fisheries politics

Alaska: Fisheries politics was rough for all in 2015; let’s at least have a working truce in 2016

signituresGov. Walker’s recent appointment of three individuals to the Alaska Board of Fisheries seems to send the message “Let’s move on.”  2015 was unique for Alaska fisheries, especially in Cook Inlet. Many things happened to make people unhappy.  The Alaska Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit by the Cook Inlet Fishermen’s Fund, commercial fishers, who asked the court to require the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) to provide more red salmon fishing time for them in the setnet fishery regardless of the impact on the Kenai River late-run king salmon. The court upheld the discretion of ADF&G managers to protect the kings. This significantly cost the setnetters. Next came the court’s rejection,,, Read the rest here