Tag Archives: fishing licenses

South Australian reforms (catch shares) to put two-thirds of local commercial fishers out of business
A petition to address “loopholes” in the South Australian Government’s Marine Scalefish Fishery reforms has been launched by stakeholders who believe the changes will render the majority of local commercial fishers unviable. With just four days until the Government’s licence buyback scheme finishes, the Marine Fishers Association (MFA) has warned licences are at risk of being bought up by corporate traders,, “Unless loopholes are addressed, over two-thirds of our local commercial fishers will be unable to remain in business and South Australia risks losing its local fishing industry forever,” the MFA said. “This has already happened in other industry species; offshore and interstate investors already control over 65 percent of our rock lobster industry.” >click to read< 13:40

North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission approves new rules for fishing licenses – Critics angered by vote
By a 5-4 vote on Feb. 15, the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC) redefined the qualifications for a commercial fishing license with rules that did not include specific fishing income requirements, but did contain provisions that angered some critics. Before the two-day MFC meeting in Wrightsville Beach on Feb. 14 and 15, much of the criticism was focused on a proposal that to qualify as a “commercial fisherman,” an applicant must have 50% of all earned income from fishing and have three dozen trip tickets per year. >click to read< 12:43
Hampton Roads – 12 people lose fishing licenses following “serious violations”
Twelve people across Hampton Roads had their fishing license revoked for “serious violations” in January and February. The Virginia Marine Resources Commission filed the violations at its January and February meetings, said spokeswoman Laurie Naismith. Violations include Convictions of giving a false statement/altering a fishing license, one count of failure to have an approved receptacle for sewage disposal on board an oyster harvesting vessel, failure to report mandatory harvest reports and three counts of forging a public document, and so on. Read the rest here 22:03
Petition: Revoke Jim Pattison’s Canfisco’s parasitic monopoly of fishing licenses
The largest salmon cannery in Canada, owned by one of Canada’s richest men, Jim Pattison — is closing its processing plant in Prince Rupert, leaving 500 people out of work. Now, workers in Prince Rupert are demanding that the federal government revoke the fishing license for Canfisco and instead give these licenses to local fishermen to create local jobs. The fish caught off the coast of BC should create jobs in local BC communities. If Canfisco won’t create these jobs, then they have lost the social license needed to keep their fishing license. Read and sign the Petion here 10:23