Tag Archives: Fishing quotas

DFO poised to shake up fishery for tiny eels in ‘devastating’ blow to licence holders

The federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans is poised to impose a major shakeup on the lucrative but problem-plagued Maritime fishery for juvenile eels, stripping most commercial operations of nearly all their quota and handing it to individual fishermen and First Nations. In a letter Thursday, the department proposes that six licence holders, many of which pioneered the industry and slogged through years of low prices before the recent boom, will lose 80 to 90 per cent of the quota they fished before 2022. The remaining three will see cuts of about 60 per cent. “The minister and DFO has taken this fishery, which has provided great-paying jobs and community support for decades, and they’ve basically destroyed it,” said Stanley King, whose company Atlantic Elver Fishery Ltd. will lose 81 per cent of its quota. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 17:57

Boasts about boosting fishing quotas after Brexit have been branded “codswallop”- The fish don’t exist!

Regaining control of British waters was a major part of the Leave campaign before Brexit but six months on and questions have been raised about the supposed benefits An investigation using the Government’s own data and backed up by former officials has revealed that £31.8million worth of extra fish promised in Parliament “don’t exist”. That money should have come from a big rise in the quota for sole and plaice. But James White, 38, a fisherman from Felixstowe, said: “They can increase the quota a hundred fold and we won’t be able to catch more. These fish don’t exist.” >click to read< 08:03

Brexit Trade Deal: UK is Open to a Sensible Fishing Compromise, Environment Secretary Says

Trade talks between the EU and the UK after Brexit have been at an impasse for months due to broad differences over fishing quotas, a level playing field, and governance. “There are still differences. On fisheries we’ve always been open to doing a sensible approach, looking potentially at agreements that might span a couple, three years for instance. The issue will become what are the sharing arrangements, how much mutual access do we allow in one another’s waters and that’s obviously a discussion that will happen annually,,, >click to read< 09:20

Russia to auction half of crab fishing quotas

Russia will e-auction 50% of the crab fishing quotas for 2018-2019 to create conditions for the entry of new players into the sector, Vedomosti daily said on August 24 citing an official government decree. The world famous Kamchatka red crab is Russia’s “other caviar” and fetches high prices in export as well as being highly valued by the Russians themselves as a favourite delicacy. Russian fishing business has been attracting investors’ attention as fishing is one of the fastest growing Russian agricultural segments and several heavyweight Russian tycoons have been investing into the industry. >click to read<15:03

Fishing quotas on black sea bass draw lawmakers’ ire

New York lawmakers on Sunday pushed back against federal fishery quotas and regulations that reduce the amount of black sea bass fishermen can catch in the upcoming season. “New York State needs to take an immediate stand against the unfair black sea bass allocation coming out of the ASMFC [Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission] by issuing its own fair and equitable quota and going into what is formally known as noncompliance,” Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-Shirley) said Sunday at a news conference with fishermen in Patchogue. “Going into noncompliance is never the first option, but at this late hour it may be the only one.”>click here to read< 18:09

UK set to back down over fishing quotas during Brexit transition

The UK government has accepted that British fishermen will not enjoy a larger share of the fish available to be caught in domestic waters during the post-Brexit transition period. Michael Gove, environment secretary, has called for an immediate renegotiation of fishing quotas and access for EU vessels in British waters from March 2019, when the UK will leave the bloc. But the British government is set to accept on Monday demands set out in the EU’s draft transition text, which includes a clause making clear that the UK share of the “total catch” will remain unchanged during the two years after the UK leaves the EU. >click to read<11:44

Minister should continue proportionate quota sharing approach with northern shrimp

An anticipated decrease in northern shrimp quotas in key shrimp fishing areas off Newfoundland and Labrador this year should result in the same proportionate quota sharing approach established last year, says the Canadian Association of Prawn Producers (CAPP). “Nobody likes to see a reduction in their quota, but in an area where the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) needs to be reduced, it is important that all fishers share these reductions in proportion to their share of the fishing quotas.” A major Northern Shrimp Advisory committee meeting is being held in Montreal today. >click to read<16:40

Significant increases in fishing quotas for Scottish fishermen

103181-fish-quotas-agreedThe Scottish Government said the deal follows talks between the EU and Norway. It was agreed that the total allowable catch (TAC) for cod can increase by 15%, while haddock catches have been given a 30% boost, with an additional top up of 17% for vessels affected by the discard ban – giving a total increase of over 47%. The quota for North Sea herring will increase by 16% next year. Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead said: “These significant increases for both haddock and cod, in line with scientific advice, are good news for the fishing industry. Read the article here 20:19

Selling the silver: the enclosure of the UK’s fisheries

UK lost fishing rightsFishing quotas were meant to conserve stocks and support fishing communities, writes Emma Cardwell. But they have achieved the reverse – rewarding the most rapacious fishing enterprises and leaving small scale fisherfolk with nothing.The UK’s fisheries quota system, introduced in 1999 and comprising the creation of a private market for the right to catch fish, has been called “the biggest property grab since the Norman invasion”. Read more here 11:58

Hmm. Fishing quotas causing concern in Morro Bay

Commercial fishing in Morro Bay could suffer a big blow come January 1. That’s because a two-year old program called the “Catch Share System” will allow fishermen to buy and sell fish catch quotas to the highest bidder after the New Year. “It was a big push by most environmental groups across the nation,” said Morro Bay fisherman Mark Tognazzini. “They thought this was the answer to all answers and it really has not been.” Read [email protected]  11:31