Tag Archives: F/V Christina & Caelyn
Fisherman recounts rescue of Portland man who fell from Casco Bay ferry
Rick Garland had just finished a day of dragging for periwinkles outside Portland Harbor on Tuesday and turned his fishing boat, the Christina & Caelyn, back toward Hobson’s wharf when his crewman saw what he thought was a harbor seal. “I looked over and said ‘That’s not a seal,’” Garland recalled Wednesday. It was a man floating in the middle of the channel at the mouth of the harbor.,, The man wasn’t yelling and had almost no strength left. Read the rest here 12:00
Crew of F/V Christina & Caelyn rescue man from the water in Portland Harbor
A 55-year-old man was rescued by a local fishing vessel after the captain spotted him in the water in Portland Harbor, Maine. The Christina & Caelyn crew rescued the man from the 38 degree Fahrenheit water and provided him basic medical attention. Maine EMS met the fishing vessel at the pier and transported the man to Maine Medical Center for hypothermia treatment. “This lucky man is alive today due to the quick response by the Christina & Caelyn captain and crew” Read the rest here 22:27