Tag Archives: F/V Northwestern
Viking Traps score on board F/V Northwestern
The Viking Traps made by Norwegian company Proffteiner have been a success with Deadliest Catch skipper Sig Hansen, who has been trying them out on board Bering Sea crabber F/V Northwestern. The episode is aired on the Discovery Channel this month. The standard crab traps are roughly two metres square and a metre high, and weight around 300kg. These are lifted on board singly, and there’s no handling these traps by hand. But before starting fishing, it’s Sig Hansen’s first job to find where the crabs are, and that’s where the Viking Traps have scored. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:30

‘Deadliest Catch’ Fisherman Nick Mavar Has Passed Away – The Former Northwestern Deckhand Was 59
Nick Mavar, who appeared on Discovery Channel’s reality franchise Deadliest Catch, died Thursday in Naknek, AK, Bristol Bay Police Chief Jeffrey Eldie confirmed to Deadline. He was 59. Mavar suffered a medical emergency at a boatyard in Naknek Thursday afternoon, according to Eldie. Paramedics were called and he was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead of what was determined to be natural causes, Eldie says. He was a familiar face to fans, given his status on the Northwestern, which is captained by the franchise’s de-facto elder statesman, Sig Hansen. Mavar was also uncle to onetime Northwestern greenhorn turned-deckhand turned-Saga captain, Jake Anderson. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 18:10
The 10 Best Deadliest Catch Boats Ranked
Deadliest Catch showcases real, massive crab fishing vessels battling the freezing Bering Sea, adding nostalgia and drama to the series. Fishing vessels like F/V Southern Wind, F/V Aleutian Lady, and F/V Seabrooke bring unique stories and personalities to the show’s lineup. Captained by industry veterans like Sig Hansen and Keith Colburn, boats like Northwestern and Wizard are iconic symbols of the series. My favorite is #10 on the list, while F/V Northwestern is the quintessential Deadliest Catch fishing boat. It’s appeared in every season of the show and its captain, Sig Hansen, is the unofficial main character of the series. Lots of Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:11
What is Captain Sig Hansen’s Net Worth and Salary?
Sigurd Jonny Hansen entered the world on April 28, 1966, in Seattle, hailing from a proud lineage of Norwegian fishermen. At the tender age of 14, Sigurd embarked on his maritime journey, joining his father’s fishing vessel. His immersion in the world of fishing deepened, and upon completing high school, he transitioned into a full-time fisherman. It was during these formative years that Sig Hansen honed his expertise in navigating the challenging waters of Alaska and the Bering Sea. Over time, Sig Hansen progressively climbed the ranks aboard the Northwestern, ultimately assuming the role of relief skipper. At the age of 24, he ascended to the position of full-time captain of the vessel. Under his leadership, the Northwestern has maintained an exemplary track record, excelling in both safety and gross production. Notably, in 2005 and 2006, the Northwestern outperformed all other vessels featured on Deadliest Catch in terms of earnings. more, >>click to read<< 11:21

‘Deadliest Catch’: Who is the Richest Captain in the Series?
The richest captain in Deadliest Catch is season 19 star Sig Hansen, captain of F/V Northwestern. Sig has a reported net worth of $3.5 million and brings in an annual salary of $500,000 to $1,000,000. He first started fishing while on his parents’ boat at the age of 14, and after high school, he made it a year-round activity. His father, Sverre, pioneered the Alaskan crab fishing industry, so it was always in Sig’s blood to take to the Bering Sea. The second richest captain on the show was “Wild” Bill Wichrowski, captain of F/V Summer Bay, with a net worth of $3 million. The third richest was Jake Anderson, captain of F/V Saga, with a net worth of $1.8 million. Video, >click to read< 12:05

Deadliest Catch: What Happened to the F/V Northwestern?
The only boat to appear in all 19 seasons of the show, the F/V Northwestern is owned by the Hansen family and skippered by Sig Hansen, according to the Discovery Channel’s F/V Northwestern origin story, posted on Youtube. Surely the 124-foot-long fishing boat built in 1977 has weathered some rough seas, but so has the family that owns her. Despite lawsuits, a sexual assault conviction, and more accusations, the Northwestern has remained integral to the livelihood of the family. >click to read< 09:50

’Deadliest Catch’: Sig Hansen Admits Producers Make the Show More ‘Dramatic’: ‘That’s What Sells’
Discovery Channel’s hit reality TV series, Deadliest Catch, focuses heavily on Sig Hansen in season 19. Sig and his daughter, Mandy Hansen, are at the helm of the Northwestern, and they’ve given a lot of insight into what life is like catching crabs on the Bering Sea. Here’s what Sig Hansen admitted about the producers of Deadliest Catch focusing on the difficult weather conditions to make the show more “dramatic.” “They shoot thousands of hours of footage, and I can understand that they are trying to put a storyboard together and make it fit. Everything that they film is accurate, but you will see a lot of the more foul weather as opposed to the calm days. I suppose that’s what sells, but the bad weather is a reality.” Also, an interesting video of the F/V Foremost sinking, leading to the construction of F/V Northwestern. >click to read< 13:41

Where Does the Camera Crew Sleep on Deadliest Catch’s F/V Northwestern?
Filming a reality show can be hard going; not just on the people who star in the production, but on the crew that must capture it all. The skippers and fishermen who appear on the “Deadliest Catch” are well aware that they’re not the only people in danger while catching crabs. For instance, in 2012 the official “Deadliest Catch” YouTube page posted a video about Shane Moore, a cameraman who would go to extreme lengths to get just the right shot for the show, sometimes to the bemusement of the skippers he worked with. >click to read< 11:24

Biggest Crab Boat in the World: Facts You Might Not Know
Crab fishing is a dangerous industry popularized by the hit TV reality show The Deadliest Catch. You might be wondering which boat is the biggest crab boat in the world. For your information, the Fierce Allegiance is the biggest boat featured on the show at 166 feet long and is among the largest known crab boats. We’ll take a look at crab fishing and boats to dive into this industry. Crab fishing is a complicated type of fishing because of the dangers associated with it. Setting out to the frigid waters of the Bering Sea months at a time and having to haul hundreds of tons of crabs as you work toward your catch quota, this sort of life in Alaska waters is no joke. The many health risks associated with the job have also been featured on the show many times. Photos, >click to read< 21:45

Deadliest Catch: Season 18 – The fight to stay in business
“Over the past 17 seasons, audiences have watched the legendary Deadliest Catch captains navigate treacherous seas, intense rivalries and even saw them fight to stay in business last year when the entire fishery almost shut down, but nothing could have prepared these captains for the loss of fishing the lucrative red king crab. For the first time in 25 years, the Alaskan government shut down red king crab catching for the season. Facing financial ruin, each captain is forced to start over and search the Bering Sea for a new way to make a living. Are these captains up for the challenge? Or will they pack up and head home empty handed? Trailer, >click to read< 10:51

‘Deadliest Catch’: Here’s How Captain Sig Decides Where To Set Crab Traps
Commercial fishing is sometimes like a game of cat and mouse. The fish obviously move, so you can’t always count on one spot when it comes to setting crab pots out in the Bering Sea. Sig Hansen said there are ways to look for patterns in the fishing migrations. By tracking these things throughout the season, it’s easier for the fishermen to determine where to drop their crabbing pots. The Northwestern captain explains this to >Fishing.net, click to read< in a recent interview about where and how to track the good fishing. >click to read< 19:37

The Deadliest Catch has been a huge success story for Captain Sig Hansen
American captain Sig Hansen is the leading figure behind the fishing vessel named F/V Northwestern. Sig Hansen’s net worth is estimated to be $4 million. Sig came under huge prominence after starring in each season of the popular documentary television series Deadliest Catch. Later Hansen served as technical advisor for the production team. Sig Hansen has been a constant in the show while entertaining fans with their daily life adventures on the sea. While he later stunned fans by announcing that he is not going to be a part of the television show anymore, he later did return for season 8 of Deadliest Catch.,, >click to read< 09:33

How Deadliest Catch’s Captain Keith Really Feels About Sig’s Alliance System
Because Coronavirus knocked out any chance for Alaska Fish & Game to research crab populations, the captains of “Deadliest Catch” were essentially fishing blind when the season started. A resilient, resourceful group, they were determined to catch their quota and keep the fishery humming. And to that end, Sig Hansen of the F/V Northwestern proposed a cooperative alliance to his fellow captains. To team up, to communicate, to share intelligence, Hansen wanted these notoriously independent operators to find common ground for the common good. Keith Colburn of the F/V Wizard begrudgingly agreed, only with a sense of what he’s learned over 25 years as a boat captain. >click to read< 09:08

Sig Hansen Opens Up About Deadliest Catch
The longtime boss of the F/V Northwestern still characterizes the crab season depicted in the epic 17th season of the Discovery Channel hit “Deadliest Catch” as the most calamitous one he’s ever endured. Aside from the thorny Coronavirus protocols that challenged any television production in 2020 and 2021, the crabbing crews faced another seemingly insurmountable obstacle that had nothing to do with making a TV show. For the first time ever, the captains and their crews were fishing blind,,, Hansen chats about it all, from the most grueling “Deadliest Catch” season ever, >click to read< 17:16

Is ‘Deadliest Catch’ Scripted? “Wild” Bill Wichrowski on Filming Season 17 During Coronavirus. (Tough to script!)
The series captures dramatic events that seem like a scene from a Hollywood film and the disproportionate flare-ups in the interpersonal relationships between the crew members. Naturally, it has got the viewers questioning whether all that we see in the series is real or not. The Emmy-nominated show has often been praised for its realism. Unfortunately, a couple of the cast members also revealed that the drama among the fishers is scripted. >click to read< Captain “Wild” Bill Wichrowski on Filming ‘Deadliest Catch’ Season 17 During COVID – While crab fishing in Alaska is already an ultra-risky venture, the stakes are even higher on Season 17 because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Season 17 will truly be unlike any other because it was filmed entirely during the pandemic. There were multiple COVID outbreaks at major crab processing plants, Nobody was allowed off the boat or even on the deck while the crab was being taken off the boat. Video, >click to read< 14:50

Deadliest Catch: The Crab Industry Is Struggling – Will Mandy take over F/V Northwestern if Sig retires?
“Deadliest Catch” has been hinting this could possibly be the very last King Crab season. Episode 1 already shows the captains joining forces to find and catch crab since they endured many obstacles during the COVID-19 pandemic. This could be the final straw for Sig. He comes from a long line of fishermen and started fishing at age 14. Sig is 54 years old. While he’s not technically considered old, he does have a slew of health issues. He’s had two heart attacks, yet fans can still see him smoking cigarettes in various “Deadliest Catch” ads. >click to read< 10:09

The Biggest Hauls Ever Made on Deadliest Catch
When most people think of fishing, they immediately envision a serene and relaxing activity,,, However, that image changed for a lot of people in 2005 when Deadliest Catch debuted on the Discovery Channel. The series follows crab fisherman as they venture out into the ocean in search of Alaskan king crab and snow crab. The fishermen often have to brave harsh weather and intense storms and the job can quite literally turn deadly in just a matter of seconds. At the same time, however, the reward that comes with huge hauls makes many people feel like the job is worth it. So, just how big can these hauls be? >click to read<13:50

What it’s really like to join the ‘Deadliest Catch’ crew at sea for a day
“Bait!” Capt. Sig Hansen’s voice booms at me from the wheelhouse of his crab fishing boat, the Northwestern,,I’ve joined his five-person crew for a day as the ship’s newbie, or “greenhorn,” to help set gear. It feels just like I’m on the unscripted Discovery hit Deadliest Catch…except I’m not on camera. My assignment: hooking bait bags inside the 875-pound steel-framed crab pots that are dropped one at a time into the churning sea. I climb awkwardly into the 8-foot-tall, 7-foot-wide pot that sits perched on the boat railing, secured by a cable. As I try to attach the bag, my two layers of gloves cause me to fumble, although another reason might be hearing Sig shout, “Turn and burn!” and “Time is money! by Kate Hahn >click to read< 13:51

Famous Crab Fishing Boat Gets a New Crane
Captain Sig Hansen has been fishing crabs in Alaska aboard the F/V Northwestern for more than 30 years. In 2005, Discovery Channel aired the documentary TV show “Deadliest Catch”, which portrays real life aboard fishing vessels in the Bering Sea. Since then, he has been one of the most charismatic characters of the globally watched TV show. In April 2018, PALFINGER MARINE received a purchase order from Captain Hansen for a knuckle boom crane (PKM 250) to be used for lifting operations on the iconic crab fishing boat F/V Northwestern. >click to read<13:41

‘Deadliest Catch’ Star Sig Hansen Is A Grandfather, Just Days After Walking Other Daughter Down Aisle!
Just over a year after suffering a near fatal heart attack and spending a lot of time in courts with a recent lawsuit from his only biological child, and a recent arrest related to some drunken behavior during an Uber ride, Deadliest Catch favorite, Sig Hansen, has now become a grandfather to a baby girl. But that is not all that Sig’s been up to lately! He also walked his other daughter and fellow Deadliest Catch star, Mandy Hansen, down the aisle when Mandy married Sig’s deckhand and Deadliest Catch star Clark Pederson. What are all of the details of Sig’s whirlwind two weeks? click here for photo’s, read the story 12:41
Deadliest Catch Captains Making Mischief for charity at The Captain’s Whiskey Slam
In what may very well be the most chest-hair-growing partnership in modern memory, Fremont Mischief Distillery has teamed up with Deadliest Catch celebrity crab captains Sig Hansen and Casey McManus, as well as co-captain Josh Harris, to make whiskey for charity at The Captain’s Whiskey Slam. Fremont Mischief’s new rye whiskey, Storm Tossed Rye, is a special batch that has been barrel-aged aboard Sig Hansen’s Northwestern and Casey McManus’ and Josh Harris’ Cornelia Marie. The whiskey batch, aged on the two different boats, is going head-to-head in true Deadliest Catch competition style. The goal is to sell all of the Storm Tossed Ryewhiskey between the release date, August 20, and October 1 in order to donate $40,000 to Seattle’s Fisherman Memorial and Sea Scouts’ Propeller and Yankee Clipper educational vessel efforts. The vision for the event comes from Doug Dixon, manager of Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, and Mike Sherlock, owner of Fremont Mischief Distillery and 29-year veteran of commercial fishing. Read the story here 20:34
Tonight on the “Deadliest Catch” – Big Wave Bends the Northwestern’s Bow
Opi season begins on tonight’s episode of Deadliest Catch which means Sig Hansen is back in the Northwestern’s wheelhouse. While he avoided the last storm, when brother Edgar was at the helm for Bairdi, the weather doesn’t let up. When a captain as seasoned as Sig says, “Whoa…” at the sight of a wave, you know it’s a big one. Our exclusive sneak peek shows a 35-foot rogue wave slamming into the boat, causing Sig to duck in the wheelhouse and, as Edgar later notices, buckling the steel of the bow like a tin can. “Gotta pay attention,” Sig says. “Gotta pay attention,” Watch the trailer, read the rest here 15:00
‘Deadliest Catch’ Captain Admits He’s Afraid Of The Ocean And Can’t Swim
The Hyena’s at TMZ mock the Skipper – Would you believe one of the “Deadliest Catch” stars is actually “afraid” of the ocean and is unable to swim? Captain Sig Hansen of the F/V Northwestern admitted to TMZ on camera that he’s the “last guy” who wants to go into the ocean. “I’m afraid of the ocean,” Sig said. “The last guy that wants to go in there is ME. I can’t swim.” That’s one for the ages. An ocean boat captain who can’t swim? You’d think there might be some kind of test for that you have to pass in order to be a certified captain. Apparently when you’re a fisherman it’s not a requirement. Video, read the rest here 17:29
Seattle shipyards flush with work, including repairs to ‘Deadliest Catch’ crabber
Aging fishing vessels are keeping Seattle-area ship repair yards busy, as the crab fleet returns from the season early thanks to a smaller quota this year. Around the area shipyard owners report full yards and full employment as they tend to the needs of fishing vessels that often are 30 to 40 years old. “If equipment becomes aged, maintenance goes up,” said Hobie Stebbins, president of Lake Union Dry Dock. “The cost of construction of a new boat is almost prohibitive, so a lot of people are making decisions to put money into their old boats.” photo by Jeff Pond Read the rest here 07:20