Tag Archives: Golden Venture Fishing

Fisherman Settles Landmark Case with Offshore Wind Developer

Co Wicklow fisherman Ivan Toole has reached a significant settlement with German wind farm group RWE regarding its offshore project according to a report from The Sunday Times. Toole initiated a judicial review last May on environmental grounds against the minister of state with responsibility for planning and local government following the issuance of a foreshore license to RWE. This license granted RWE the authority to conduct a survey off the coast of Wicklow in preparation for a proposed €1.5 billion offshore wind farm. The legal battle, which involved the High Court referring several questions to the Court of Justice of the European Union, has now concluded with a settlement between Toole and RWE. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:12

Energy giant pays off fisherman blocking Wicklow wind farm 

A fisherman from Co Wicklow has settled with an offshore wind developer in a landmark case expected to send waves through a renewable energy ­industry grappling with mounting legal challenges. Last May, Ivan Toole, whose fishing company operates out of Greystones, brought a judicial review on environmental grounds against the minister of state with responsibility for planning and local government over the granting of a foreshore licence to RWE, a German energy group and notice party in the case. The licence granted RWE the right to survey a section of sea off the east coast before applying for planning permission for its €1.5 billion offshore wind farm. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:21