Tag Archives: Greenpeace International
Greenpeace’s iconic “Rainbow Warrior” boat was disposed of in a way the group campaigned against for years.
Greenpeace quietly admitted in November one of its “Rainbow Warrior” boats was “scrapped on a beaching yard in Bangladesh” — a method it spent years campaigning against. “We have made a mistake, one that we have tried to correct,” Greenpeace International, based in Amsterdam, admitted in mid-November, adding it allowed Rainbow Warrior II “to be scrapped on a beaching yard in Bangladesh, in a way that does not live up to the standards we set ourselves and campaigned with our allies to have adopted across the world.” However, the embarrassing admission from one of the world’s largest and most prominent environmental groups flew under the radar of major news outlets. >click to read<15:09
Greenpeace International: The behavior of the longline tuna fisheries industry is scandalous
Amsterdam, 20 November 2013 – A grave lack of regulations hinders sustainable management of the world’s oversized longline tuna fishery fleets, Greenpeace International warned as it released a new report today. more@fishupdate 08:29