Tag Archives: Hollywood Elitist Oceana
Hollywood Elitist Leonardo DiCaprio and Hollywood Elitist Oceana spy on fishing industry with “Global Fishing Watch”
Thinking of poaching a protected reef? Big Data is watching you, with a little help from the “Wolf of Wall Street” and an ocean watchdog. And the new satellite-driven system already has snagged one commercial fishing company to the tune of $2 million. Academy award winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio is expected to announce Thursday the official launch of Oceana’s new free online interactive tool, called Global Fishing Watch, which last year helped nab a Marshall Islands-flagged vessel fishing illegally in a protected area. Now, anyone can go on www.globalfishingwatch.org to police the seas. Oceana hopes the new tool will help fishery managers to stop illegal fishing. Users can generate authorization lists to see who’s allowed to fish in certain areas. Nations can ensure only authorized vessels enter their Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), generally 200 nautical miles from a country’s coastline. Read the story here 09:05