Tag Archives: Hopewell Mills dam

Alewife fish run through former site of Hopewell Mills Dam in Taunton

The Taunton Daily Gazette —The alewife are back..The river herring are running through the former site of the Hopewell Mills  Dam, according to the Nature Conservancy. Over the last nearly two centuries,  dams in the river clogged up the waterway, impeded migration and made the area  uninhabitable for the fish, the environmental group said. continued


Mill River Dam Removal in ‘Herring Town’ Launches Regional River Restoration, gathering at the riverside Friday, Oct. 19 Taunton, MA.

For the first time in nearly 200 years, the Mill River winds its way through Taunton, providing natural habitat for fish and wildlife, and flood protection for local people. Over the past two months, the Hopewell Mills dam has been completely removed, and habitat restoration work continues at the site. “This is the first step in restoring an ecologically critical tributary to the Taunton River,” Mary Griffin, commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game.

Conservation and community leaders will gather at the riverside Friday, Oct. 19 to celebrate the successful dam removal and announce the next steps in the broader Mill River restoration effort, a partnership to remove three dams and construct a fish ladder and eel pass at a fourth.

WHERE On the banks of the Mill River, at the corner of Barton and Danforth streets in Taunton, MA. Tours of the project site will follow formal remarks.

WHEN Friday, Oct. 19, 2012, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
