Tag Archives: jane-lubchenco-grossly-failed-policies

Letter: Fish ‘reopenings’ another false premise- Captain PAUL COHAN F/V Sasquatch

To the editor:

All through the fisheries “crises’” over the past 25 years, the New England Fishery Management Council has always left the offshore fleet somewhere to fish — not so with the inshore fleet, which has been admittedly overburdened by extensive inshore closures, forcing them to tie up for periods of up to six months over the course of a season. http://www.gloucestertimes.com/letters/x674151426/Letter-Fish-reopenings-another-false-premise

Untransparent NOAA want’s to erect a lead barrior to shield observer data. WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE???? AGAIN AND STILL????

Fisheries Rule Could Limit Scientific Access to Data.   What are these slimeballs up to?

By RACHEL NUWER   A draft rule proposed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration may limit public access to fisheries data collected by independent observers on fishing vessels. The agency cites protection of confidential personal and business information as the reason, but some scientists and advocates fear that such a rule will limit their ability to examine and evaluate fisheries data for research purposes.

The Role of Oceans (and Overfishing) in Climate Change

To understand how/why NOAA/NMFS are destroying our fishing industry, you need to look to the UN and the ENGO’s that control it’s agenda. That is why I’m here at Fishery Nation, together we can expose this shakedown by the Big Green Mafia!

Blue Carbon: The Role of Oceans (and Overfishing) in Climate Change

Interesting article on the ocean’s understudied role in climate change. See video at end of story which highlights research on overfishing disrupting oceanic carbon sink:
“…The Patagonian shelf absorbs about 17 million metric tons of carbon per year, equivalent to all the carbon contained in 100 thousand hectares of rain forest. The Patagonian shelf break is one of the most important fisheries regions on earth. Today most experiments agree that marine ecosystems are badly overfished and that at the present pace no fisheries are sustainable. A decrease in fish population could eventually affect zooplankton and phytoplankton communities thereby disrupted by (sic) the ability of the oceans to capture CO2. Such alterations of the marine ecosystem would be analogous to the impact of land use change on the continental carbon budget. These changes are still poorly understood and may bring with them unexpected surprises. Monitoring ocean productivity, carbon budgets and fisheries is important to understand options and interventions in the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.”

Facing restrictions, fishermen welcome possible disaster aid

Another EDF puff piece from the boring broadsheet! A lot of BS in this one.

South Shore fishermen welcome the prospect of aid from September’s federal disaster declaration, but they remain critical of fishery management practices. Unprecedented competition from large boats over the last year has hurt the mostly smaller boats that populate harbors in Marshfield, Plymouth, and Scituate, they said. The disaster declaration allows, but does not require, Congress to appropriate money. Affected states are asking for $100 million, but the funding is not guaranteed.http://bostonglobe.com/metro/regionals/south/2012/10/17/south-shore-fishermen-welcome-possible-disaster-aid-seek-long-term-solutions/DVHh7P6BvUG4Nhdnb7PPiO/story.html

Can you spot the winners?

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that 2 “big winner” sectors from the catch shares scam, are the same ones that have also been the puppets of the ENGOs. Also coincidence that these same 2 sectors are the ones (and only ones) represented on the New England council. Isn’t it interesting how they worked with the ENGO’s and NMFS every step of the way, and somehow came out as big winners? Click on image for larger view.these 2 sectors won big with the catch shares scam

Fight the Big Box Boats; Save Family Fishermen and the Fish – Sign this petition Sponsored by Ron Borjeson

My name is Ron Borjeson. I’m a second generation fisherman and I’ve fished for 42 years. Over the past 15 years, together with my fellow fishermen, we have taken conservation measures to bring back the fish. Now, new policies are allowing the biggest boats to take it all away and, in the process, the stocks are decimated.

A policy called Catch Shares is squeezing out family fishermen like myself who have spent years taking conservation measures to restore overfished species, ensure a more healthy ocean, and provide access to a healthy source of food from the ocean.  http://www.change.org/petitions/fight-the-big-box-boats-save-family-fishermen-and-the-fish?utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition&utm_term=11927086

Fish council eyes lifting of closures- Conservation Law Foundation,Earthjustice, Nature Conservancy Will Sue

Fishery council member David Goethel, a Hampton, N.H., groundfisherman, said mortality closures have had enough time — 16 years — to prove themselves a wellspring for the stocks.

“We should be overflowing with groundfish; instead we have a disaster,” said Goethel, who said the closed areas should be opened.


Letter: Trip limits would make fisheries worse Captain PAUL COHAN F.V. Sasquatch, Gloucester

To the editor: Wasn’t one of the big selling points for catch shares — or as I call it, catch scams —  the elimination of trip limits and their inherent discards?

So now NOAA and the enviros are talking about re-instating “inshore” trip limits to solve a problem of their own making,

when they can’t even differentiate between George’s Bank cod and Gulf of Maine cod when it comes down to where they were landed or caught.

This represents a giant step backwards. It is the worst of both worlds. and once again the smaller day boats will pay the bill.


Economic hardship being imposed on fishermen’s families because of four turtles (Actually it is because of bureaucratic nonsense) The Beaufort Observer

Here’s the story. Somebody, typically a liberal group with a guilty conscience, decides the sky is going to fall unless the government “does something.” So they produce some evidence that things are falling from the sky and scream that we must have new laws and regulations to prevent a catastrophe. They ram through the laws and regulations and then the bureaucrats begin to enforce them, typically using some form of a permit system with stiff penalties for even minor violations. Depending on the disposition and attitude of the bureaucrats citizens begin to experience more and more difficulty getting permits, using their property or a public resource. The bureaucracy of tax-payer funded government regulators and enforcers grows and grows ,,,,,Read More http://www.beaufortobserver.net/Articles-NEWS-and-COMMENTARY-c-2012-10-02-263016.112112-Economic-hardship-being-imposed-on-fishermens-families-because-of-four-turtles.html

Fisherynation thanks Ray Lamont, Editor, Gloucester Daily Times

Ray, thank you for keeping this obscene issue in the mainstream in the persuit of justice.

October 13, 2012

Why Did My Newspaper Do That? Keeping up pressure — and coverage — of overdue report

Why Did My Newspaper Do That? Ray LamontGloucester Daily TimesThe Gloucester Daily TimesSat Oct 13, 2012, 12:00 AM EDT

Our front page today includes a story about the latest update regarding the so-called second Swartwood report — essentially the findings of an in-depth look by a special investigator into some 66 cases of alleged abuse and excessive enforcement by NOAA policing personnel against New England and other Northeast fishermen. By my count, and according to our archives, this is the 16th news story on the report, which was completed and submitted to the Department of Commerce in March. And there have been a handful of editorials about its status as well. Yet the basic core nugget of news is the same – that Commerce officials still have not released the report, and will not provide a time frame for when they will. So is it really news? If there is, on the most basic level, no hard news to update, is it even worth updating?  Why, you might ask, would your community’s newspaper keep doing that?,,,,,,,,,,,,Read More



Northeast Seafood Coalition issues statement on Accumulation Caps, Fleet Diversity, and “Amendment 18” – savingseafood.org

NSC believes any and all groundfish management measures must be highly sensitive to the potential for unintended consequences to all segments of this fragile fishery.

WASHINGTON (Saving Seafood) October 12, 2012 — On Wednesday, October 10, the Gloucester Daily Times reported  that “NOAA’s regional administrator, joined by the Environmental Defense Fund,

the Pew Environment Group, the North Atlantic Marine Alliance and Food & Water Watch, is supporting a belated effort by the federal government to limit the accumulation of catch shares and thus provide

safeguards to smaller independent boats in the Northeast groundfishery…”


State official eyes impact of big boats inshore GDT

David Pierce said his concern is that, in the unregulated commodity trading system now in its third year, the big boats have the ability to acquire and accumulate an unlimited quantity of catch shares in Gulf of Maine Cod, and can monopolize landings in a stock whose vitality was found last year to be dramatically weaker than believed in an earlier, 2008 benchmark assessment. http://www.gloucestertimes.com/local/x1133184143/State-official-eyes-impact-of-big-boats-inshore

fleet rationalization, a big part of the catch shares scam

The following direct quotes are from “Assessing the Potential for LAPPs in US Fisheries.doc “. This document proves that the big green mafia and their puppets at NMFS & the NEFMC knew all about the devastating job destroying results of catch shares, which we are now experiencing here on Mass Bay!

Part-time fishing jobs were also lost when the fisheries shifted to LAPP management. This was largely a result of fleet rationalization, which necessitated a 60 percent decrease on
average of crew positions in the LAPP fisheries

 In addition, fishing heritage within some communities was lost as fishermen gained the economic incentive – and means – to retire.

Cod war returns to Middle Bank – The Big Boys are Pounding the SNOT Out of it. ABOLISH CATCH SHARE RIGHT F* CKING NOW!

A large number of big commercial trawlers — 70 feet or more in length — from Gloucester and Boston have been drawn this week to the nearby inshore grounds of Middle Bank in pursuit of the season’s first pulse of cod, combing areas that are the usual domain of smaller, independent day boats from multiple ports, several sources told the Times Wednesday…….But since the advent in May 2010 of catch share fishing, predicated on the trading of allocated fishing rights between gear types and boat sizes — allowed to members of sectors or fishing cooperatives — the taking of inshore cod by offshore boats has been a persistent theme and complaint by dayboat fishermen that the only available source of their harvest and income has been subject to plunder by boats of a much larger scale…….A critical element in the pulse fishing for cod on Stellwagen was the elimination of daily catch limits for boats which entered sectors; these boats were given allocations and encouraged to catch as much as they were allowed at any time. The efficiency of the new system was one of its prime selling points.http://www.gloucestertimes.com/topstories/x674144460/Cod-war-returns-to-Middle-Bank

“our efforts to redesign fisheries”

This article should be renamed to “How a TED grant helped spread a job killing scam”

Some of the lowlites:

– Overfishing is the number-one threat to the oceans’ ability to provide food and sustain life.

– EDF’s Oceans Program has turned this investment into what we now call the “Big Bet,” a campaign to convert the majority of  US, Canadian and Latin American fisheries to catch shares.

–  It is critical that the world’s movers and shakers gain a working knowledge of our efforts to redesign fisheries.

+ Economics: 80% revenue increases per boat due to better yields and dockside prices.

And the results are coming in. This radical scam is ruining the commercial fishing industry, where ever it is deployed. It’s easy to increase the revenue per boat. Fleet reduction!

Bring on the Cuccinelli Principle (American Thinker)

On the surface, it may not seem like an important topic for the grassroots at Fishery Nation. I’ve been examining the takeover of the government by leftists for years now, and this topic makes perfect sense to me, and it related directly to the crisis we are in.

It’s all about “fighting big, lawbreaking government”, and this is why I’m here.

Here are some excerpts from this great essay, that I think should hit home for us all.

“Unlike many other state attorneys general who sometimes swarm like wolf packs against only the private sector, Cuccinelli takes a more even-handed approach to tackling lawbreaking in both the private sector and government.”

Cuccinelli’s biggest problem in enforcing the law on government is a legal system that has come to be flawed and even corrupt in how it too often protects government lawbreaking.”

Editorial: Letter backing ‘aid’ plan misleads fishermen, taxpayers GDT

But our independent fishermen do not need — and, for the most part, do not want — bailouts, buyouts and more unsubstantiated rhetoric about declining stocks.

