Tag Archives: Julius Leroy Whorton
Commercial fleet owner Julius Leroy Whorton of North Crolina has passed away
Julius Leroy Whorton, 84, passed away peacefully surrounded by his family and friends on Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Leroy, as he was known, was born in South Creek, North Carolina. on March 31, 1939, to the late Clara Myrtice Mayo Whorton and the late Julius Timothy Whorton. He was also preceded in death by his brother, Daniel Atwood Whorton. Leroy graduated from New Bern High School in New Bern, North Carolina, Georgia Military College and received scholarships to play football for Wake Forest and University of Georgia. After college, Leroy built his career in the seafood industry with a fleet of commercial fishing boats, working the oceans from Alaska to Texas, Key West to Virginia, and North Carolina to Nova Scotia. >>click to read<< 10:54