Tag Archives: LFAs 34 and 33
Past lobster season opener hits and misses in southwestern Nova Scotia
The majority of time if the scheduled opening day of the lobster season in southwestern Nova Scotia doesn’t go according to plan, it’s because the weather and safety concerns have forced a postponement. The lobster season is always slated to open the last Monday of November. Strong winds are preventing that once again from happening on Monday, Nov. 25 for the start of the 2024-25 season. Tuesday, Nov. 26, has been identified as the more favourable option with industry weather calls happening the morning of Monday, Nov. 25 in LFAs 34 and 33 to confirm the season opening. While weather is always the culprit for a season opening delay, through time there have been other issues that have also had impacts on season starts. Here’s a look back at past season openers. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:57
Higher lobster catches, quality reported in some western NS areas
Some lobster buyers say fishermen are bringing in large catches of high quality lobsters across western Nova Scotia in the first few days of the crucial fall fishery. Michael Cotter, of Cotter’s Ocean Products in Lockeport, says the quality of the lobsters coming from District 33 is the highest he’s seen in more than eight years. He says catches are higher as well. Read the rest here 18:14