Tag Archives: MARBIDCO
Maryland Watermen’s Microloan Program Assists “Generational Watermen”
The Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation (MARBIDCO) is once again offering its Maryland Watermen’s Microloan Program to assist “generational watermen” with the purchase of needed equipment via low-interest, unsecured loans. An advantage of this loan program is that if all payments are made as agreed to by the borrower, MARBIDCO will forgive a portion of these payments towards the end of the loan agreement. “With the support of Maryland’s Governor and General Assembly, changes were made to MARBIDCO’s Maryland Watermen’s Microloan Program during the recent legislative session to better serve the commercial watermen community with the inclusion of the Potomac River Fisheries Commission (PRFC) licensed fishermen and the potential raising of the maximum loan amounts”, said MARBIDCO Executive Director, Steve McHenry. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 15:27