Daily Archives: September 13, 2024

Fishing Vessel Eternal Promise – Scotland’s Whitelink Seafoods welcomes new scalloper to coastal fleet

Macduff Shipyards of Scotland recently handed over a new scallop fishing vessel ordered by local owner Whitelink Seafoods for year-round operation around the coastal waters of the UK. Designed by Macduff Ship Design, Eternal Promise measures 19.98 by 7.4 metres (65.66 by 24 feet) and has space for seven crewmembers. It is the second vessel built by Macduff Shipyards for Whitelink after an earlier vessel handed over in 2019. The newbuild was originally intended to be a sister ship to the previous vessel, but a decision was taken by the yard and the owner to build a new design that would offer increased deck/fishing gear space, improved crew welfare, a more efficient hull form, and a new stern gear package with an aim to improve overall fuel efficiency. photos, specifications and more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 18:50

Lebouthillier Ignored Scientific Advice on Reopening Cod Fishery

Federal Fisheries Minister Diane Lebouthillier faced criticism for disregarding advice from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) when she reopened the commercial cod fishery off Newfoundland and Labrador earlier this year, a decision largely influenced by political considerations. Patrick Butler of Radio Canada reports that a DFO briefing note from 09 May 2024 uncovered by reveals that the department recommended maintaining the longstanding moratorium on northern cod, citing scientific evidence of the stock’s vulnerability. However, political advisors within the minister’s office advocated for reopening the fishery and increasing cod quotas, viewing it as a “political victory.” Senior policy advisor Paul Carrigan expressed concerns from DFO staff about the risk of stock decline due to higher quotas and the return of offshore vessels. The department had recommended keeping the total allowable catch at 13,000 tonnes, the same level as in 2022 and 2023, while maintaining a limited stewardship fishery solely for inshore harvesters. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:05

U.S. Offshore Wind: Election 2024 May Redefine the Sector

The US offshore wind industry is at a crucial turning point. After several years of growth under the Biden administration, the sector faces potential reconfiguration depending on the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. On the one hand, a Donald Trump victory could redirect the country’s energy priorities towards conventional resources, such as offshore oil and gas. On the other, a Kamala Harris victory would mean a continuation of current ambitions, including the goal of 30 GW of installed capacity by 2030. Commercial fishing groups and other interested parties challenging these projects could find an ally in a Trump administration. Organizations such as the New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Association (NEFSA) have already voiced concerns about the impacts of offshore wind projects on the marine environment and fisheries. more, >>CLOCK TO READ<< 10:36

Fishing group expresses concern about oil spill in Saulnierville Harbour

A fishing organization is concerned that a recent oil spill near the government wharf in Saulnierville, N.S., could make people sick and have disastrous implications for the province’s seafood industry if it’s not addressed as soon as possible. The Unified Fisheries Conservation Alliance released video on Thursday of fishing vessels along the wharf surrounded by oil. Tied to some of those boats are crates of lobster floating in the water. “When we saw it we were pretty shocked,” Colin Sproul, the alliance president said in an interview. “We’re really concerned that oil-soaked lobster is going to make it into the marketplace and make people sick.” Officials with the federal government have not yet responded to requests for comment. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:44

Animal Protection Party of Canada calls for the resignation of Canada’s Fisheries Minister

The Animal Protection Party of Canada calls for Prime Minister Trudeau to remove Diane Lebouthillier from her role as Fisheries Minister. “Canadians deserve ministers more committed to integrity and respect for science than political expediency,” says Party Leader, Liz White. White is reacting to a September 10th report by Radio-Canada’s Patrick Butler about a briefing note clearly explaining that staff with the Department of Fisheries recommended that the Minister keep the moratorium on northern cod in order to prevent a further decline in the population of fish. They also recommended that the current quota be maintained and not increased, and that she keep in place the ‘stewardship fishery’ meaning that fishing should be prioritized for inshore and Indigenous fishers and not for offshore and international fleets. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:42

Ocean Integrity vs. Offshore Wind

“In areas where wind farms are being developed, invasive species can harm … industries by reducing fish populations, damaging habitats, and deterring tourists who seek intact and diverse marine environments.” – Kieran Kelly, Ocean Integrity (below) ‘It is hard being green, particularly when “green” means being one-dimensional against carbon dioxide (CO2) at the expense of virtually every other metric. Consider wind power, the onshore problems of which (failed past, government dependency, intermittency, site depletion, local warming, noise, avian mortality, health effects) are only magnified offshore (cost premium, wake effect, blade failure, industrialization, hurricanes, pile driving, political bribes). Kieran Kelly, CEO of Ocean Integrity, “a global organization that aims to reduce ocean plastic pollution and create positive social impact,” recently reported on social media about a particular ecological issue: invasive filter feeders. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:38