Daily Archives: September 29, 2024

Fisherman converts boat to become first in UK powered by battery

Sitting in the water, there is little to tell the Lorna Jane apart from other fishing boats. But this vessel is believed to be one of a kind. Below deck, where the engine once was, there is a battery equivalent in size to a small electric car. Above, there is a double-sided solar panel, catching the sun’s rays and reflections from the sea. Unlike its diesel counterparts, this fishing boat runs entirely on electric. Its owner Hans Unkles has been a boatbuilder and fisherman for around 40 years. He spent two-and-a-half years converting the boat in a shed near the village of Tayvallich. “It’s definitely the only one in the UK, and I’ve done a whole lot of social media, which reaches around the world, and I’ve not heard of another all-electric fishing boat.” Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:19

“I am glad this auction has been canceled”: City of Brookings responds to BOEM wind energy plan delay

In response to the auction being postponed Brookings mayor Isaac Hodges said, “I’m happy that even a pause shows that there’ll hopefully be a little bit more input from the community to allow for a little bit more of our voices to be heard. There definitely was a lot of trust lost with the way that this was pushed forward.” His colleague on the Brookings City Council gave a statement, calling this a positive move for the city. “I am glad this auction has been canceled. There was very little local support for the offshore wind energy project – it was not cost effective, the impacts on recreational and commercial fishing were ignored by the federal government, along with the adverse impact on marine mammals, birds, shellfish and other wildlife. It is absurd the state and federal government ignored concerns about the impact on our way of life on the southern Oregon Coast. We would have been forced to see offshore wind mills day and night and would have had to deal with the environmental impacts of giant windmills washing up on our shoreline after major winter storms. The city of Brookings has opposed this project from the beginning. I am glad this has fallen apart now, instead of after major environmental and economic damage was done to our region.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:48