Daily Archives: September 22, 2024

US offshore wind projects pelted with suits to end, delay progress

There are 13 cases pending in federal courts targeting offshore wind projects, according to the American Clean Power Association, an offshore wind trade group. An undetermined number of additional lawsuits is active in state courts, they said. Robin Shaffer is president of Protect Our Coast NJ, a citizens group that has filed numerous lawsuits in New Jersey against two offshore projects currently or previously proposed. Shaffer said his group was at least partly responsible for scuttling two New Jersey wind farms proposed by Orsted that the Danish wind giant scrapped in October, saying they were no longer financially workable. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:57

Commercial fishing vessel runs aground in Auckland’s Ōrākei Marina after refueling

A commercial fishing vessel has run aground in Auckland’s Ōrākei Marina after its skipper missed tide timings while refueling. “The skipper was just looking to get some cheap fuel at Gull and then he went downstairs and had a cup of tea and missed his timing,” he said. Snashall said this vessel in particular had a “huge” boat draft – the minimum amount of water required to float the vessel without it touching the bottom. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:57