Tag Archives: Pew Charitable Trusts
NOAA imposes new rules to protect Bluefin Tuna
New restrictions are being placed on fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico and along the Atlantic coast to protect the prized bluefin tuna species from being overfished. On Monday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced the rules for commercial fishing vessels. The rules take effect in January. Read the rest here 11:57
Fisheries experts (Pew) caution against raising western bluefin tuna quota – latest science indicates the stock “has grown substantially”
Member nations agreed to hold the shared quota at 1,750 tonnes for the last several years, with Canada drawing fire two years ago for being the sole country to ask for 250 more tonnes of quota. Rachel Hopkins of the Pew Charitable Trusts argues that the stock remains depleted compared to 1970s levels, adding that U.S. fishermen haven’t been able to catch their full quota since 2003. [An increase won’t matter then, will it?!!] Read the rest here 15:05
East-West hostility may stall Ross Sea conservation
A proposal to protect one of the most pristine marine ecosystems on the earth, Antarctica’s Ross Sea, could be jeopardized by growing tensions between Russia and the West, say environmentalists involved in next week’s high-level meeting on the plan. The two countries first blocked plans for the reserve in 2011 but, according to one environmentalist who asked to remain anonymous, CCAMLR negotiations took a downturn in 2013 when Russia granted asylum to National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, prompting President Barack Obama to cancel a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Read the rest here 12:30
Pacific Bluefin tuna fishery on the hook
The U.S. sport fishery is only a portion of the total catch of bluefin throughout the Pacific, and U.S. commercial fishing operations play an even smaller role. Commercial fisheries in Mexico, Japan, Korea and Taiwan out of bluefin, and are also under pressure to act. Japan recently agreed to cut its commercial catch by half, and both the U.S. and Mexico recently closed their commercial fisheries, Read the rest here 11:47
Forage fish management key to protecting Pacific Ocean ecosystem health
Pacific sardine populations have shown an alarming decline in recent years, and some evidence suggests anchovy and herring populations may be dropping as well. The declines could push fishermen toward other currently unmanaged “forage fish,” Read more here 10:35 The Forage Fish Farce
Obama will propose vast expansion of Pacific Ocean marine sanctuary
The announcement — details of which were provided to The Washington Post — is part of a broader push on maritime issues by an administration that has generally favored other environmental priorities. The oceans effort, led by Secretary of State John F. Kerry and White House counselor John D. Podesta, is likely to spark a new political battle with Republicans over the scope of Obama’s executive powers. More here 05:20
Oceana’s Bycatch Report and Media Coverage Ignores Key Successes in U.S. Fisheries
Environmental special interest group Oceana made headlines last March with its bycatch report, “Wasted Catch: Unsolved Problems in U.S. Fisheries.” Since the report’s release, mainstream media publications and other environmental organizations, like the Pew Charitable Trusts, have further presented one-sided coverage of issues regarding bycatch in the United States — often providing little or no information about the significant and successful efforts taken by many commercial fisheries to curb unintended catch. These omissions of facts are misleading, ultimately providing the public a skewed perspective on U.S. fisheries management. Read more here 14:53
The Columbian: In Our View: Small Forage Fish a Big Deal
The Pacific Fishery Management Council is expected to have a big conversation this week about some small things. Well, small in size but large in importance. As part of a weeklong series of meetings, council members are scheduled Thursday morning to tackle the issue of “forage fish”,,Read more here 13:48
Fish and Future by Carmine Gorga Read more here
Tobacco Science Pew Charitable Trusts is not opposed to offshore drilling! Just Fishing.
but a balance must be achieved between responsible energy development and protection of the environment. World-leading Arctic standards should be put in place for safety and for oil spill prevention and response in this extreme, remote, and vulnerable ecosystem. Read more here! How about NO Arctic drilling? 08:53
Pew: The Pacific 6: Chinese Taipei, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, China and the United States are responsible for 80% of the annual catch of big eye tuna,
The accompanying analysis, by Pew Charitable Trusts attending the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission meeting in Cairns Australia this week, also documents the destructive methods they use to dominate the $USD 7billion industry. The 43 member countries of the body responsible for the world’s largest tuna fishery – the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission – will negotiate from today on an action plan to end overfishing of bigeye tuna by 2018. [email protected] 09:23
Charter captain: Pew Charitable Trusts and Audubon Florida forage fish report is not based on the reality
Thus, Pew and Audubon are striking up fear of something that isn’t there, Eller says. “I can guarantee if the oxygen leaves the room, we’re all going to die,” Eller told The Log. “But they are looking for regulation on something that’s not happening.” more@thedestinlog 18:46
South Atlantic Fishery Management Council to discuss closing Georgetown Hole, other areas, to fishing
Murrells Inlet seafood dealer Chris Conklin will be sworn as a new member of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council at the start of the council’s meeting on Monday and will immediately find himself embroiled in what promises to be an intense discussion on the proposed establishment of more Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) off the South Atlantic coast. The impact on South Carolina fishermen – both recreational and commercial – could be significant if all the proposed MPAs are approved, and the council is being urged to do just that by at least one environmental group, the PEW Charitable Trusts. more@myrtlebeachonline 00:26
The Enviro Best Goes On! Pew Charitable Trusts,World Wide Fund,Greenpeace – Japanese greed for tuna decimating species
Time is running out to save some species of tuna from overfishing, environmental groups warned, calling on the world’s biggest consumer Japan to take the lead in reducing the catch. Industrial-scale fishing that takes large amounts more@the standard 08:04
Nyet! Antarctic marine reserve plan blocked by Russia
During the negotiations, Russia, with support from Ukraine, had challenged whether the members had the legal right to set up marine protected areas (MPAs) in Antarctic waters. Andrea Kavanagh of the Pew Charitable Trusts said zzzzzzz continued@newzealandherald
World’s largest marine reserve weighed for Antarctica
An effort to create the world’s largest marine reserve off Antarctica as a haven for seals, whales, penguins and diminishing fish populations comes up for a vote this week at an international meeting. [email protected]
Letter: Searching for an explanation on fishing woes – Pew Charitable Trusts, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization” doesn’t have the answer
Question: Where have all the fish gone? Overfishing? Doubtful. Consider that NMFS has levied quotas, closures, species limitations, increases in net sizes, tracking programs on fishermen, etc. for several years; couple that with the fact that the fleet has been, continued@salemnews
Letter: The science of sound fishing, according to Pew – Dr. John Crawford, Officer, U.S. Oceans, Northeast, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Boston
Mmy my my! Such a fancy title, Doctor! I’m thoroughly impressed!) The Gloucester Daily Times’ June 13 editorial, “State budget steps are vital toward credible fish science,” implied that I have had preferential input into the assessments of fish stocks health conducted by scientists. continued@ gloucesterdailytimes
Saving Seafood -“we find CLF’s characterization of our statement as a “flat-out falsehood”
WASHINGTON (Saving Seafood) — June 10, 2013 — The Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) recently criticized as a “flat-out falsehood” Saving Seafood’s description of the Lenfest Forage Fish Task Force’s report as lacking peer review. Subsequently, the Pew Charitable Trusts made the same argument in a letter to the editor of Seafood News. Saving Seafood would like to clarify our statement referencing the “unproven assumptions, as well as a lack of peer-review of the Lenfest Forage Fish Task Force.” continued here
West Coast fisheries to see ecosystem approach – Pacific Council to adopt ecosystem approach to managing West Coast fisheries
GRANTS PASS, Ore. (AP) — Federal fisheries managers for the West Coast are poised for a major change in the way they make sure that plenty of fish remain in the sea. continued
Red snapper off overfishing list – Ocean Conservancy and the Pew Charitable Trusts report described as “propaganda.”
The News Herald -PANAMA CITY BEACH — After 13 years on the federal overfishing list, red snapper has been removed after a report showed the species has made a comeback in the Gulf of Mexico. . “The critical list that it’s still on is the overfished designation,” said local charter captain Bob Zales. “Many of us believe we’re past that and this fishery is not overfished anymore.”Zales described the report, a collaboration between the Ocean Conservancy and the Pew Charitable Trusts, as “propaganda.”Released in conjunction with a fisheries summit set to begin today in Washington, D.C., the document hails the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the law governing fishery management in the U.S. continued
The Bottom Line: Coming Together for Bluefin Tuna
It’s not every day that fishermen and environmentalists agree. But in a significant move, the American Bluefin Tuna Association and the International Game Fish Association are partnering with The Pew Charitable Trusts to protect bluefin tuna, one of the most amazing fish in the sea. By working together, we might be able to help ensure a brighter future for this depleted fish. continued
The Pacific Fishery Management Council wants regulation of forage fish
VANCOUVER, Wash. — A draft of an ecological plan that applies to West Coast fisheries has emphasized the need for management of so-called forage fish to improve salmon runs. Advocates have welcomed the plan and its broad approach to Northwest ecosystems. The Pew Charitable Trusts’ environmental arm has recently pushed to raise awareness of forage fish and their importance to the marine food web. Read more