Tag Archives: Pritzker

Murkowski, Young, Hastings, Press Pritzker – “We urge you to use your authority consistent with the Antideficiency Act to responsibly manage the 2013 Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands crab fisheries.

07022013_AP87511559489-600The Bristol Bay red king crab fishery in Alaska is scheduled to open next Tuesday, October 15th, but before crab fishing boats are allowed to fish, they must be issued quota permits by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) – which the Department of Commerce has shuttered for issuing permits until the government is funded. more@seate.gov 09:27

Chicago billionaire Penny Pritzker answers questions in controversy-free hearings for Commerce confirmation

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, who is not on the committee, said Thursday that she has a meeting on tap with Pritzker after the Memorial Day recess. She’s undecided about how she’ll vote, wanting to talk to her about Alaskan fisheries, something Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, brought up during the hearing.  It was among dozens of queries Pritzker fielded – involving trade, tourism, jobs, education, employment skills, patents, killer storms and even electromagnetic spectrum resources. continued