Tag Archives: psychological distress
New England: Chronic social disruption following a systemic fishery failure
In the United States, the iconic groundfish fishery for Gulf of Maine cod has endured several dramatic reductions in annual catch limits and been federally declared an economic disaster. Using a repeated cross-sectional survey of fishing captains to assess potential social impacts of the fishery failure, we found that psychological distress and social disruption were pervasive throughout New England fishing communities. Since 2010, there have been 33 disaster declarations approved and another 8 pending for US fisheries >click to read< 11:26
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Members of commercial fishing industry experiencing high levels of psychological distress
Members of the commercial fishing industry are experiencing levels of psychological distress almost double that of the general population, new research has revealed. A survey conducted by Deakin University showed a 19 per cent rate of depression among commercial fishers, compared to the estimated national diagnosis of 10 per cent. Of the 1000 workers that responded to the 13-page survey, only 9 per cent of said they had experienced no bodily pain in the month prior, with 58 per cent saying they had experienced moderate to very severe pain. click here to read the story 16:39