Tag Archives: radical environmental group
Another Crackpot ENGO, Another ESA Lawsuit against the NMFS
Defenders of fish with funny names — including the blackchin guitar fish, the violin fish and porbeagle shark — sued the federal government Wednesday, demanding the fish be listed as threatened or endangered. WildEarth Guardians says the Secretary of Commerce, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Marine Fisheries Service missed their 12-month deadline to rule under the Endangered Species Act. All five species — including the Caribbean electric ray and Hector’s dolphin — are “at significant risk of extinction,” the Montana-based conservation group says. Listing could protect the species from recreational and commercial fishing and development. The Endangered Species Act requires the defendant agencies to issue findings within 90-day and 12-month timeframes in most cases. But the National Marine Fisheries Service has “regularly ignored these statutory procedures and have consistently missed statutory listing deadlines,” WildEarth Guardians says. Read the rest here 14:10
Oceana, fishers and scientists differ on heavy anchovy declines
“Sea lions rely on forage fish for survival. But years of overfishing have put this important food source in jeopardy,” Ushkowitz narrates while underwater footage shows her swimming through kelp. “Join Oceana and help protect forage fish in the Pacific. … We need to stop this and replenish.” The West Coast’s leading fishery scientists, however, disagree. They believe the fish are most likely enduring natural population fluctuations and are on the cusp of making a big comeback. Oceana, a nonprofit advocacy organization favored by celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio,,, Read the article here 09:40
Greenpeace Pushes Annual Fundraising Tool
Greenpeace is touting the latest in its long line of opaque, subjective, and hopelessly flawed “reports” on retail seafood. This year’s model may have lost the juvenile aesthetic and top hat donning cartoon fish of previous iterations, but the substance—or lack thereof—remains much the same. It is still first and foremost a fundraising tool and evidence of that can be found in its erratic methodology and narrative. Read the rest here 16:20
Greenpeace and Cornish fishermen lobby George Eustice MP over unfair fishing quota
Greenpeace volunteers and Cornish fishermen will be meeting George Eustice on Saturday morning at his constituency office to express their concern over the “unfair fishing quota system”. They are handing in a petition from over 2,000 people from or near his constituency of Camborne, Redruth and Hale. Read the rest here 15:44
Eco-Hypocrisy as Sea Shepherd Vessel Dumps 500 Litres of Diesel Into Sea
The environmental group Sea Shepherd negligently dumped up to 500 litres of diesel into the Trinity Inlet in Cairns, Australia, because the crew didn’t have the correct manual for the boat they were operating, it has emerged. Read the rest here 08:13
Oceana Takes Action to Reduce Wasted Catch in East Coast Gillnet Fisheries

Gib Brogen
“Improvement in this fishery is long overdue. Gillnets catch any and all fish and ocean wildlife that swims through, and many of these animals are left to drown, die and rot in the nets without ever being accounted for,” Oceana fisheries campaign manager Gib Brogan said in a news release. Read the rest here 17:22
WWF alarmism raises even green eyebrows
If there was a performance bonus for most-improved propaganda, surely the spin doctors at the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) deserve the accolade. They issue The Living Planet Report every two years, and this year, they out-performed the 2012 report by a massive 86%. They produced stunner headlines: WWF: World has lost more than half its wildlife in 40 years. Read the rest here, and Please Donate! 19:13
Politics-Minded Enviro Group sets its gun sights on Congressman Steve Southerland, its “Ocean Enemy #1”
Southerland has been an avid Catch Share opponent. The organization, led by the marine biologist David Wilmot, is different than many other conservation groups in that it is a 501(c)(4) organization with a connected political action committee called Ocean Champions PAC. It does three main things — get good people elected, help develop sound ocean policy, and, what I think is the most fun (but that’s just me), they go after “Ocean Enemies.” Read the rest here 10:09
Another Species, Another Center for Bio Diversity Petition To Prohibit Pacific Bluefin Tuna Fishing
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announces the receipt of, and request public comment on a petition for rulemaking under the Administrative Procedure Act. The Center for Biological Diversity, a non-governmental organization, has petitioned the U.S. Department of Commerce to promulgate regulations to prohibit fishing for Pacific bluefin tuna and to identify specific reference points used to determine if overfishing is occurring or if the stock is overfished. Read more here 12:27
Here’a a PEW/ Oceana Puff Piece! – The Bait and Switch of Seafood Fraud, Yes. Bait and Switch!!
That red snapper you bought at the market: Is it actually rockfish? How about the pricey local halibut you ordered for dinner: Is it really a cheap, farm-raised whitefish from Asia? What about the tuna at your favorite sushi joint — really yellowfin, as labeled, or is it bigeye with dangerous amounts of mercury? And just how “fresh” can spiny lobster be when it’s sold in July, far after the season has ended? To answer such buyer-beware questions, an ocean conservation group (?) backed by celebrities but reviled among fishermen published a study last year on “seafood fraud” in the United States. Read more here, if you can stand it. 11:24
Creating a Safe Harbor for a Village Heritage
MORRO BAY, Calif. — Anyone seeking to learn about the fishing heritage of this port city, named for the huge rock that dominates its harbor, need only amble over to the “Liar’s Bench,” a sitting area along the Embarcadero for fishermen prone to telling tall tales.,,their brethren in Cape Cod? The Liar’s bench. huh! Read more here 07:09 CLF and CLF Ventures: or we get rich by litigating the hostile takeover and trading away of public resources for corporate exploitation while claiming to save the planet.