Tag Archives: Summer Meeting
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Summer Meeting – Alexandria, Virginia August 2-4, 2016
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission will meet in at the The Westin Alexandria August 2-4, 2016. The agenda is subject to change. The agenda reflects the current estimate of time required for scheduled Board meetings. The Commission may adjust this agenda in accordance with the actual duration of Board meetings. Interested parties should anticipate Boards starting earlier or later than indicated herein. Board/Section meeting proceedings will be broadcast daily via webinar beginning at 10:15 a.m. on August 2nd and continuing daily until the conclusion of the meeting (expected to be 4:00 p.m.) on Thursday August 4th. Click here for details, Click here for webinar 10:45
ASMFC Summer Meeting – August 4-6, 2015 – Alexandria, Virginia, Listen LIVE!
The ASMFC is holding it’s Summer meeting in Alexandria, Va. Issue’s: American Lobster Benchmark Stock Assessment Action, Jonah Crab Fishery Management Plan for Final Approval Final Action , Atlantic Striped Bass, Atlantic Menhaden, and more. Click here to listen to the meeting live Click here to review the final agenda.
ASMFC Summer Meeting, August 5-7, 2014 in Alexandria, Virginia
The information about the 3 day meeting, including attending the meeting in listen mode only via the webinar broadcast can be found here. 09:56