Tag Archives: The Lobster Institute

Save the Dates for the 2025 U.S. – Canada Lobster Town Meeting! 

The Lobster Institute’s 20th annual U.S. – Canada Lobster Town Meeting will be held January 29-30 at the Atlantic Oceanside Hotel in Bar Harbor, ME. Registration is open exclusively to commercial fishermen until October 20, after which registration will open to the public. A complete program will be shared next month, but preliminary agenda items include: Industry Sector Updates, Ecosystem change – What is going on in the ocean?  Comparing assessment and management approaches in Canada and the US and how they relate to the US gauge increase. Market impacts of the gauge increase: short and long-term. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:32

Lobster stock levels remain high in Gulf of Maine, but there is cause for concern

The “now” looks solid for local commercial lobster fishery, based on findings reported in the 2020 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Lobster Benchmark Stock Assessment, which reported the stock at “record high abundance levels.” The good news continued,, The news for southern New England, including southern Maine, remained poor, with a depleted fishery and no signs of resurgence. The research was conducted by several organizations, including the Department of Marine Resources, Gulf of Maine Research Institute and the University of Maine’s Sea Grant program and Lobster Institute. The assessment, released in October, was based on surveys conducted from 2016 through 2018. However, once the research turns to lobster settlements the future does not look as bright. >click to read< 18:29