Tag Archives: three eggs

Seagull makes nest, lays eggs on Point Judith fisherman’s boat

Since 2003, Paddy McGlade has been the captain of F/V Enterprise, his 70-foot-long stern dragger that he navigates while fishing in the ocean. “We catch Whiting, squid, fluke, everyday,” said McGlade. “We probably get up at 1 o’clock in the morning, leave at 2, and we’re back in at 1.” While they have lots of stories from out at sea, a new one has emerged. About two weeks ago McGlade noticed a nest on top of his boat near the cabin. “Paddy said, ‘There’s a seagull nest on the roof!’” said Shawn Overend, a crewmate. “We have been watching it ever since.” “The female usually flies off when we go fishing in the morning, and then when we come back at 12 during the day, she’ll land right on top of the boat and sit on the nest,” said McGlade. “Then when she is back another seagull, I think it’s the male usually flies over to the boat and hangs around like protection.” Photos, Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 19:39