Tag Archives: Tignish
P.E.I. company dips into new lobster products, extending work at Tignish plant
A seafood processing company in Tignish, P.E.I., has just launched a lobster dip, the first of several new products that will mean more work at the plant while using up leftover lobster and crab meat. Francis Morrissey is manager of Royal Star Foods, a subsidiary of the Tignish Fisheries Co-operative, which will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2025. “We decided six years ago to move in a different direction, that we could do more with the product that we’re getting — to create more employment and add value to some of the lower-end products,” he said. Video, more, >>click to read<< 08:29

“I just thought Tignish looked so docile,,,Tignish lobster-trap tree to be lit for Easter in recognition of essential workers, local fishermen
In 2018, the town made the tree using lobster traps as a way to honour the Island’s fishermen, but particularly Moe Getson and Glen DesRoches, two local fishermen who died when their boat capsized the same year. Tina Richard, the town’s recreation director who came up with the idea, said she was inspired while delivering groceries to her father who has been self-isolating. “I just thought Tignish looked so docile. Everything was dark, gloomy, nothing’s open … it just looked like a ghost town,” Richard said.,, As the town continues to try to navigate the pandemic, Richard said people have “really come together” to help each other out. Richard also noted that fishermen in the community are currently getting ready for setting day while not knowing if it will actually take place. >click to read< 22:48

Tignish boys build snow boat sculpture to honour late great-grandfather
The boat mirrors the real lobster fishing boat captained by their great-grandfather Richard Hogan, who died in June 2018. Like its real-life counterpart, the snow sculpture also bears the name Lady Erica — named after the boys’ mother, Erica Perry. Perry says the boys, Bailey, Chase and Blaze, created the sculpture after school Tuesday, spending all afternoon and evening getting it done. How beautiful she is, boys! May his light shine upon you. >click to read< 19:08

Search underway for 2 missing fishermen off Tignish, P.E.I.
A search is underway for two people missing from a boat that capsized late Tuesday afternoon in Tignish, P.E.I. The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Halifax is co-ordinating the search. “At approximately 5 o’clock local time, the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre here in Halifax received a report of two people in the water near Tignish, P.E.I.” said Maj. Mark Gough, senior public affairs office with Maritime Forces Atlantic in Halifax.,,, Local fishermen say the seas were rough and dangerous Tuesday in the area due to a strong wind from the northeast. >click to read<21:46

Fishing boats collide near Tignish
A Tignish lobster fishing boat sustained extensive damage to its starboard side when it collided with another lobster boat Monday morning. Both vessels made it back to port under their own power. The Brandy & The Boys was subsequently hauled from the water. Click here to read the story 11:28