Tag Archives: U.S. Senator Mark Begich
Begich calls farmed fish ‘corncob couch potatoes’ to ‘Hollywood health guru’
“It’s a disservice to point your clients and your fans toward farm fish, the corncob couch potatoes of the ocean, instead of encouraging them to eat fresh, healthy wild fish like Alaska salmon,” wrote Begich in his September 5, 2013 letter. “Alaska salmon is abundant, natural and sustainable. Our industry employs over 70,000 fishermen and processing workers and provides more than half the seafood produced in the U.S.” more@alaskafishradio 18:03
Food service contractor won’t serve Alaska salmon to US troops; Senator Mark Begich goes ballistic
“It’s ridiculous and insulting that the seafood being offered to our troops might come from Russia,” said Begich. “Alaska wrote the book on sustainable fisheries and we don’t need outsiders to tell us how to manage our stocks.” more@Alaska Fish Radio 06:19
Begich to NOAA: Extend Public Comment Period for Halibut Catch Sharing Plan
In a letter to Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, Acting Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Senator Mark Begich requested a 45-day extension continued@ senate.gov
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