Tag Archives: Werft Shipbuilding

New trawler built in Urk

There was no doubt in Urk fisherman Jelle Hakvoort’s mind that he wanted to build his new trawler close to home. Urk co-operative VCU played a significant role in the construction of new multi-purpose fishing vessel Janneke Z-575, which has begun fishing with beam trawl gear. Urk company Werft Shipbuilding is the designer and has been the main contractor throughout – while VCU’s Albert Hartman has also been closely involved with the construction even before the order had been placed. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:46

Werft wins new build project for multifunctional fishing vessel

The Flemish trawler will be named Janneke after the daughter of the captain/owner Jelle Hakvoort and be 27.99 metres long with a beam of 8.25 metres. Hakvoort himself is delighted with the design. “It is ideal for beam rawling in the winter months, and twin rigging in the summer; either for plaice or crustaceans.” Hakvoort has spent his career to date fishing on Eurocutters, known as the smaller segment in Belgium, and is now switching to a larger segment: “I have complete faith in Werft and its experienced partners,” he adds. >click to read< 08:26