Tag Archives: Wicked Pissah
F/V Hard Merchandise, F/V Wicked Pissah fight to the finish of “Wicked Tuna” Season 10
One of the most challenging seasons ever experienced by the “Wicked Tuna” captains drew to a close Sunday, with Wicked Pissah, captained by Gloucester-based fisherman Paul Hebert, coming out on top. With the crews overcoming a global pandemic that severely impacted the bluefin market, the season came down to a battle between the Wicked Pissah and the Hard Merchandise, captained by Dave Marciano of Beverly. “These final days, we’re off on our own again, doing whatever we can to set ourselves up for success,” Marciano said. “The fleet may be mad that we’ve done our own thing this season, but the fact of the matter is, we do our best when we keep quiet and fish away from everyone.” >click to read< 11:55
‘Wicked Tuna’ returns! What you never knew about the tuna industry. It’s Wicked Pissah, not Pisser!
“Wicked Tuna” is coming back to the National Geographic Channel! The fishermen of “Wicked Tuna” set out off the coast of the wickedly cold North Atlantic, but it was the West Coast where tuna really took off in the United States, centered mostly around canning. Here are some interesting facts you probably don’t know about the history of the tuna industry. Read more
Here are the must-know terms in order to understand “Wicked Tuna” fishermen-speak.
Pisser: This one can be confusing since it means either wonderful or horrible, based on context. One of the more humorous and entertaining uses of the word is, “Wicked pisser!” Read more