Tag Archives: Woods Hole

Elon, it’s time to sic the DOGE on BOEM, and NMFS By Jim Lovgren

The Trump administration has begun a long overdue financial analysis of the spending habits of federal agencies, looking to weed out waste, fraud, incompetence, bureaucratic overlap of different agencies, and unnecessary regulations. To do this he has recruited Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, who earned his wealth by his shear brilliance, to lead a new agency, called DOGE, Department of Governmental Efficiency. While there are plenty of federal departments that need cleaning up, or elimination, let’s hope that Elon doesn’t overlook BOEM and the NMFS. Let’s start with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the agency that cavalierly sells the ocean bottom and its non-renewable resources to the highest bidder. This is an agency that has always been surrounded by controversy and corruption so bad that they had to change their name years ago from the Marine Minerals Service to its present BOEM. More, >>CLICK TO READ<< 18:57

Looking Back: Mistrust between scientists, fishermen mars key mission

From the lightly swaying deck of his 98-foot trawler, Matt Stommel points out the scene of the crime, lit now in the deep orange of approaching sunset. Stommel’s boat, the Nobska, is docked on the Woods Hole waterfront here, with an easy view of the government laboratory charged with counting New England’s fish. It was from this perch, Stommel recalls, that he watched as workers marked a steel cable from an aging research vessel, the Albatross IV, on a freezing day in the winter of 2000. What he saw that day filled him with a skipper’s disgust. For the next two years, Stommel pleaded with scientists to check the cables and even offered to pay for the test himself. Last fall, the center admitted he was right,,, The episode, dubbed “trawlgate” on the docks, still casts a long shadow over New England’s imperiled fishery. >click to read< 07:20

Observations from the Albatross IV Correctional Cruise by Captain Jim Lovgren

Five New England fishermen and myself met at Woods Hole Ma. On the evening of Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2002, to board the N.O.A.A. Research Vessel Albatross IV. The other fishermen were Jim Odlin, Sam Novello, Bud Fernandes, Matt Stommel, and Steve Lee. We met with Steve Murawski, (who did not go out on the trip) and with Henry Milliken, and Russell Brown who were in charge of reviewing the fishing and filming of this short cruise. Individually we walked around the vessel and checked out the net and gear. As I was the last fisherman to arrive, the gear, (which was laying on the deck) had already been closely scrutinized by the other fishermen, and some problems had been identified. >click to read< 08:04

GARFO AA Pentony taking on whale crisis – Lobstermen wary of more environmental regulations

South Shore Lobstermen wary – Traps dropped to the bottom of the ocean by lobstermen are currently connected to a buoy at the surface by a long, taut rope. Fishermen use the buoys to mark where traps are and use the rope to pull up them from the ocean floor, but researchers think the same thing could be achieved by ditching the ropes and using a GPS-like tracking technology and acoustic communication. >click to read< 16:20

Pentony taking on whale crisis – The number one issue right now is the right whale crisis,,, It will occupy our resources and energy for the next several years until we can reverse the trend. Thats going to be a significant challenge. >click to read<

To protect right whales, scientists propose major changes for lobstermen

Without prompt action to reduce entanglements in fishing lines, North Atlantic right whales could disappear from the planet over the next two decades, scientists say. In response, scientists here on Cape Cod are proposing a novel way to save the species — one that many New England lobstermen fear could destroy their livelihoods.,,, In one method, the signal would inflate a spool filled with rope that ascends to the surface, allowing the lobstermen to haul their traps similarly to how they do now. In the other, the signal would activate inflatable bags attached to each trap or at the end of the trawls. >click to read< 08:45

Fishing Vessel Runs Aground at Woods Hole

F/V  Hope & SydneyA 67-foot steel-hulled fishing vessel went aground in Woods Hole passage late Monday morning. No injuries were reported after the vessel, named Hope & Sydney, from Point Judith struck Middle Ledge. At 3:15 p.m., the large vessel was still aground at the point where the main channel known to mariners as The Straight branches off to a secondary channel known as Broadway. The ledge is marked by a fixed day mark and a large green floating buoy. “Everybody’s accounted for and safe,” said Coast Guard Petty Officer 2nd Class LaNola Stone. “There is no fuel in the water. They’re just waiting for the tide to float it off.” Link 09:30