Tag Archives: Wrecking the Sea Bed
Wrecking the Sea Bed with Offshore Wind Part 5
Finally I would like to bring up a topic nobody is talking about although I suspect it is a topic many involved with this project are fully aware of. Sea-bed Methane Release Coastal sediments can potentially hold large quantities of Methane ( see paper Reindl & Bolalek link -) & ( paper Mascharka, Montross, & Pierrehumbert link -) Read [email protected] 18:54
Wrecking the Sea Bed with Offshore Wind (Part 4)
Potentially, for the 213 turbines plus three substations a met mast and other assorted sea bed scrapings, the amount of displaced spoil comes in at well over one and half million tonnes. Even if they end up with a significant number of turbines that use foundation techniques that generate less spoil it is highly unlikely that the amount of seabed spoil will ever be less than about 1.2 million tonnes. Read [email protected] 18:08
Wrecking the Sea Bed with Offshore Wind (Part 1) – Wrecking the Sea Bed with Offshore Wind (Part 2)
Pt 1, As Offshore windfarms go, there is nothing remarkable about Navitus Bay. Most of the data in the following few posts, shocking as it is, will equally apply to similar schemes elsewhere in the country. But before I start, I feel I need to emphasise how poor offshore wind farms are at generating electricity. We need to keep this in mind when we look at the massive environmental damage done by their construction. Read [email protected]