Sinking of the Wild Alaskan – Document Dump #46

     As I have publicly predicted many months ago, Kodiak City Manager Mike Tvenge will be “Stepping Down” from his position with the city. Why would the Mayor and the City Council allow Tvenge to collect $3,640,000.00 over the next 20 years after leaving the City? Especially when Tvenge is squarely responsible for engulfing the City of Kodiak in a Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit that they cannot and will not prevail in. Is this obscene waste of Taxpayer Money a payoff from Branson and Whiddon for Tvenge to keep his mouth shut regarding the illegal sinking of the Wild Alaskan?
     In 2015, Mayor Pat Branson hired Mike Tvenge to be the City of Kodiak City Manager. Branson was searching for a man that was not the sharpest tool in the shed; that was easy for her to manipulate as many of her political agendas she had her paw prints on were issues that she had no authority to execute. This is why Branson needed a special “TOOL” in her tool bag such as Tvenge.
     Tvenge’s last job was a low-level administrator in the small town of Delta Junction, Alaska. Tvenge was hired in Delta Junction for approximately $82,000.00 per year. After leaving Delta Junction, one of the City Council Members in Delta took over Tvenge’s job responsibilities for free. A Delta Junction official told me in a recent phone call that they are embarrassed over Tvenge’s actions in the Sinking of the Wild Alaskan in Kodiak and are happy he is “not their problem” any longer.
     While working as the Kodiak City Manager, Mike Tvenge has burned through many good city employees such as three different Harbormasters in a short period of time. It is my understanding that Lon White, Derrick Magnuson and Michael Sarnowski all resigned over nonsensical, asinine and illegal demands Tvenge expected all of them to be involved in, such as participating in the outrageous seizure and sinking of the Wild Alaskan. Both White and Magnuson told at least two members of the Ports and Harbor Advisory Board (PHAB) they strongly advised Tvenge not to seize the Wild Alaskan as it would become a significant problem for the City since this type of seizure was not legal. Tvenge did not listen to their advice and told both of them it was the Mayors decision. (Needless to say, Pat Branson had no authority to make such a demand of Tvenge.) After the illegal seizure of the Wild Alaskan, it is no coincidence that Mayor Branson gratuitously gave Tvenge 2 back-to-back raises bumping his salary up to a whopping $182,000.00 per year which is more than the Governor of Alaska makes.
     As an attempt to regain favor with City Employees that were quickly turning against Tvenge including harbormaster Michael Sarnowski, Mike Tvenge was involved in distributing $4,200.00 in Covid relief money to all city employees. These are people that never missed a paycheck and did not qualify for the CARES Act. Branson, Whiddon and Tvenge executed this fraud anyway with the blessing of the Kodiak City Council. I do not blame City Employees for accepting this money after all it was free. Unfortunately, this type of pay-off allowed the corruption to continue with most not willing to speak out on what they knew was going on inside the City. See supporting document where you can email a complaint to CARES Act Fraud Division. Note: All complaints are confidential and you can not be scrutinized for making it. It is time for these people to be Federally investigated for breaking the law.
     City Manager Mike Tvenge with a straight face, claimed that he could not find an auditing company to audit the City of Kodiak Financial records so Tvenge has been auditing the records himself for quite some time now. Is this the F#%CKING CRAZIEST THING ANYONE OF YOU HAVE EVER HEARD? No wonder there are three years missing in the City’s budget report files along with $4,000,000.00 of Covid Money. (See Attached Budget Document) Needless to say, it is a State Felony to tamper with Public Records especially a City Budget Document.
     If any of you think the above corrupt schemes that Tvenge has been involved in is outrageous, it gets better. After the seriousness of the Federal Lawsuit that I have filed against all of them is just now starting to sink in; it would appear that Mike Tvenge is leaving his job at the City to desperately try to preserve his pension. Whether the Mayor or City Council wants to define Tvenge’s departure as “retirement” is irrelevant. Is it more likely than not the City Council asked for his resignation for getting all of them involved personally in a multimillion-dollar lawsuit? Is more likely than not that Tvenge told all of them he would not resign because he has the goods on all of them for going along and committing a significant amount of fraud, especially sinking the Wild Alaskan for the unstable Mayor, Pat Branson? Is it more likely than not, that Tvenge told all of them that he wants his full salary of $182,000.00 to be paid to him annually for the rest of his life as a payoff in hush money, so he does not incriminate the rest of them?
     I personally believe, as well as others that have now been alerted to this latest scheme by City Officials, that the three scenarios above are more likely than not to be true. After Branson and Tvenge single handedly engaged in the illegal sinking of a Documented Vessel that has already cost the City hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees to defend and will ultimately cost the City a significant amount of money in damages, it makes no sense that these people would reward a stooge, such as Tvenge, for his reckless and illegal acts by giving him another $3,646,000.00 of City Taxpayer’s Dollars while he lays around on the couch doing nothing for the rest of his life?
     Since I cannot put together an online petition because I have an active lawsuit filed against these people, I would highly recommend someone in the community that thinks this latest scheme by City Officials is so outrageous they would be willing to step up to the plate and put together an online petition for the City Council to revoke Mike Tvenge’s overblown and unwarranted pension that is nowhere near deserved. When corrupt CEO’s burn down companies in the real world, they do not get rewarded for it like the City is attempting to reward Mike Tvenge to keep him quiet regarding his actions and the rest of the city officials involved in the illegal sinking of the Wild Alaskan. Stay Tuned for Coming Attractions… Darren Byler
For more Doc dumps, and wicked good page, The Sinking of the Wild Alaskan Page.