Maine introduces swipe cards for elver fishermen

swipe cardPORTLAND (AP) — With the opening of elver season Sunday, fishermen for the first time are using electronic swipe cards to record sales of the baby eels, a move the state says will streamline data, enforce new catch limits and prevent illegal transactions. Read more here  07:25

One Response to Maine introduces swipe cards for elver fishermen

  1. jamie says:

    even though I totally agree with the new system, I do not agree on the quota so some people are laughing because they still have 100 pound qoutas or more while other people who have fished just as long get reduced to ten pounds or less, this I feel is wrong and just like tax brackets work the ones with the bigger qoutas should have took more of a reduction then somebody catching thirty pounds a year know some people have been reduced too the point it isn’t even worth going with the price drop. But big deal right cause the ones like the guy holding the card are still laughin all the way too bank.

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