Tag Archives: hake fishery

That Reminds Me: The Arthur Cavanagh and the end of an era

“At precisely 8 0’clock on the morning of Jan 10th (1962), the old trawler Arthur Cavanagh unobtrusively slipped her moorings in Milford docks, and with a farewell blast on her siren, began the last journey of her eventful life. On the face of it, this departure of an ageing ship for the scrapyards, merits no widespread regret, being an everyday event, yet when Arthur Cavanagh rounded St Anne’s Head, it marked the end of an era on the West Coast, the passing of a class of trawler the like of which, in terms of services rendered, will never have its peer. The Arthur Cavanagh was the last of the West Coast’s Castle class trawlers which probably played a greater part in the development of the country’s hake fishery than any other single factor. >click to read< 13:15

More information, photos, and stories of ARTHUR CAVANAGH LO407 / M184 / M16, >click here<