Seafood’s Inflated and Leveling Prices, Revisited

We decided to revisit the “Why Seafood Prices Are So Inflated” story and those whom we had interviewed to see where prices have landed in the summer of 2023, post-pandemic and post-historic inflation. Generally, the first place one goes with this topic is up to Viking Village, the docks of our working commercial fishing fleet in Barnegat Light, which holds a fleet of 40 boats up to 110 feet long. Viking Village states that its mission is to work only with U.S.-based fishermen and practice sustainable harvesting. In 2021, Viking Village General Manager Ernie Panacek primarily talked about the price of scallops, which were more affected by catch quotas than by the pandemic. Scallops were a hot topic then, and they’re still relatively expensive, but like two years ago, it has little to do with the pandemic and everything to do with those quotas set by the Fisheries Management. >click to read< 20:30
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