The northern stargazer: A fish that lives under the sand and packs a punch

A friend of mine, Tom Testaverde, who is captain of the fishing vessel F/V Midnight Sun, recently sent me a photo of a fish he caught in his net while fishing for squid near Rhode Island. I honestly had no idea what it was, but I got out my trusty “Fishes of the Gulf of Maine” by Bigelow and Schroeder and began a search for this odd-looking fish. First, I could see that it was slimy and did not have scales. It also had huge pectoral fins that looked more like paddle-shaped feet. You couldn’t ignore the huge, wide mouth that tipped up with what appeared to be an underbite and tiny eyes. This is not a fish I had ever seen before, and I wish he had brought it in so we could have had a closer look. >click to read< 09:04

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