Fishing Industry Remains Concerned with Offshore Wind Power

East End residents will soon be another step closer to wind power and away from fossil fuel; but local commercial fishermen are raising objections. And East Enders are waiting to hear how much this wind power project will mean for new utility rates. The federal government earlier this spring approved what it calls a “record of decision” for a Denmark-based company, Orsted, to build one of the largest offshore wind farms planned for Nassau and Suffolk counties. The decision by the U.S. Department of the Interior is among the last steps to build the windfarm, known as Sunrise Wind, an 84-turbine plant, before actual construction can begin. Both Sunrise Wind and South Fork Wind are in the waters off Massachusetts and Rhode Island. South Fork Wind’s cable comes ashore in Wainscott. Sunrise Wind has a power cable running more than 100 miles to Smith Point County Park, before beginning a 17 mile trip through Brookhaven Town to a substation in Holtsville. more,>>CLICK TO READ<< 18:05

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