Why Is Cheap Wind Power So Expensive?

Hmmm, sez I, seems a mite ambitious. Current US grid-connected offshore wind is a mere 0.17 gigawatts … so we’d need to do ~ 175 times as much as we’ve done to date and do it in a short six years. So, I divided it out. There are 65 months until 2030. Thirty gigawatts are thirty thousand megawatts, less the 174 megawatts in place, that’s 29,826 megawatts more total generating capacity needed. 29,826 megawatts divided by 65 months means we’d have to add offshore wind generation to the tune of 465 additional megawatts of generation capacity per month. Every month. Starting now. Get real. That’s not remotely possible. The biggest US offshore windfarm just came online, 132 MW capacity. To reach the White House goal, every month we’d need to build three new windfarms of that size. No way that can happen. It’s just numbers picked out of the air to gain popular support. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:30

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