Fishing groups object to federal program putting part-time observers on small halibut boats

The new North Pacific Groundfish Observer Program was approved Nov. 20 by the National Marine Fisheries Service, an arm of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Starting Jan. 1, biologist observers will be placed on some of Alaska’s 1,300 small commercial halibut and sablefish boats to collect harvest data.–Halibut-Fishery-Observers

2 Responses to Fishing groups object to federal program putting part-time observers on small halibut boats

  1. Dava says:

    OMG! Big brother is really, finally here. Welcome to the Socialist state of the USSA in the 21st century.

    • borehead says:

      "In a "vessel-selection" pool, boats randomly selected by NOAA Fisheries will be required to take observers for every trip occurring in a specified two-month period."
      The hairy eyeball of Jane Lubchenco!

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