Daily Archives: November 14, 2012

ICE fines New Bedford fish plants for hiring illegal workers

NEW BEDFORD — Three city seafood processors suspected of hiring illegal workers have been fined by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Northern Pelagic Group, or NORPEL, which processes herring on Fish Island was fined $151,200; Pier Fish Co. was fined $2,200; and Cap Seafood on MacArthur Boulevard was fined $9,804. http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121114/NEWS/121119962

Regulators approve higher yellowtail flounder catch- more than twice what was recommended – Good Enough, then.

Northeast fishing regulators have approved a 2013 catch limit for yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank that’s more than twice what was recommended by a committee that negotiates the shared catch with Canada.

Members of the New England Fishery Management Council, who met today in Newport, R.I., said they had no choice, in order to avoid the collapse of the local fishing and scalloping industries.

But it came amid warnings that approval could destroy the longtime trade agreement with Canada. And it came even though the Northeast’s top federal regulator said the approval won’t pass legal muster.

A low catch limit on yellowtail threatens fishermen who chase other species in Georges Bank. Since many accidentally catch yellowtail, they’re given a yellowtail catch limit, which they can’t exceed without triggering severe restrictions that threaten their businesses. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

MORE DETAILED INFO http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=b5nrgsdab&v=001aYDP54lNfT8w5naOyp7HRKL-7gP3PIXBLa1YcdGE67AKc2cOWr7AclYY4wRLtRw0R89sj0z44F2caGtt8LeWjMXsKzDLCRXNptCrQDbaunmGQL3te3IEIA%3D%3D

MARINE SAFETY INFORMATION BULLETIN [MSIB # 16-12] 13 November 2012 Rhode Island Fishermen”s Alliance

Mariners navigating the waterways of Point Judith and Block Island Old Harbor, RI should be aware of the following aids to navigation discrepancies:
Point Judith:
1. Tower #8 on the east side of the entrance channel; light is reported to be extinguished and all signage on the tower is reportedly missing.
Block Island:
1.      Old Harbor tower #3, including its light and sound signal, is reported to be missing.
2.      Old Harbor buoys #5, #6, and #7 are reported to be off station.
3.      Northeast bell buoy #5 is reported to be off station.


NPFMC Reaches Decisions on Catch Sharing, Observers and Freezer Longliners and other news Fishermen’s News Online

NPFMC Reaches Decisions on Catch Sharing, Observers and Freezer Longliners http://fnonlinenews.blogspot.com/2012/11/npfmc-reaches-decisions-on-catch.html

Symposium Spotlights Challenges Related to Decline in Salmon Runs http://fnonlinenews.blogspot.com/2012/11/symposium-spotlights-challenges-related.html

Final peer review report issued on Bristol Bay watershed assessment http://fnonlinenews.blogspot.com/2012/11/final-peer-review-report-issued-on.html

VIDEO: F S F Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder and Incidental Catch Avoidance Forum (lots of information)

WASHINGTON (Saving Seafood) Nov. 14, 2012 – Yesterday, the Fisheries Survival Fund, an industry group that includes the majority of full-time, limited-access scallop permit holders,  hosted a forum, “Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder and Incidental Catch Avoidance,” immediately following the New England Fisheries Management Council meeting in Newport, Rhode Island. Speakers at the event included Dr. Steve Cadrin and Cate O’Keefe of the School of Marine Science and Technology (SMAST) at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dr. David Rudders of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and Ron Smolowitz of Coonamessett Farms. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=b5nrgsdab&v=001aYDP54lNfT8w5naOyp7HRIgB4VG_lM4fDpTYpg49faLY5slnOWx7hp5-MTnG5BD5KPWh852FbmnbhXTHgUt6n45ny7Eyz5sx1B2fXOjmK-cdZ3Nh3VTYuw%3D%3D

New Bedford Mayor urges reopening of US-Canada discussion on yellowtail flounder

Urges council to accept SSC recommendations including suspension of directed fishery; notes widespread lack of confidence in fishery assessment. WASHINGTON (Saving Seafood) Nov. 14, 2012 — New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell, representing the nation’s most profitable fishing port, appeared before the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) in Newport, Rhode Island this morning, and delivered a letter making the following points:


FLASHBACK! John Kerry – “Lubchenco is your friend,” February 2010 To leave the Fish Wars as Secretary of Defense?

Kerry released the following statement to the Times yesterday in response to a request about his position on Magnuson. “The status quo isn’t working, and I say that as someone who is passionate about the environment, but who can see plainly that people are hurting and there are legitimate issues that have to be fixed. “I’m going to be talking with fishing and environmental experts at the state and federal level to develop sustainable fisheries in New England and work with the New England delegation, as I always have, to keep federal assistance flowing into Massachusetts for our fishing families and to rebuild the fisheries.” http://www.gloucestertimes.com/local/x966804462/Kerry-to-fishermen-Lubchenco-your-friend

No offense Senator,,,,,,,,,,screw it, Senator Kerry, you thought then, as you do now, that its all about frittering out a few bucks to to the victims of President Obama’s US Commerce Department, the New England Fishing Industry. You have been ineffective Senator, and I’m done beating the drum for you. You have not delivered, Senator.

Please, John Kerry, just go away! http://bostonherald.com/news/columnists/view.bg?articleid=1061174640


Editorial: Lack of fishing ‘disaster’ aid paints telling picture Gloucester Daily Times

That shouldn’t come as a surprise. This “disaster,” after all, is hardly due to natural causes or “dwindling stocks,” as Blank’s declaration tried to push off on fishermen, lawmakers and taxpayers. It is chiefly due to NOAA’s chief administrator Jane Lubchenco’s job-killing catch share management system, which has enabled a relatively few large-scale fishing operations to gobble up more and more shares of the allowable catch. That change alone drove more than 20 percent of Gloucester’s smaller, family-owned boats to the sidelines in catch shares’ first year, an economic disaster in its own right, and verified through NOAA’s own figures. http://www.gloucestertimes.com/opinion/x121545279/Editorial-Lack-of-fishing-disaster-aid-paints-telling-picture