Daily Archives: November 20, 2012
The EDF Fish Tale of Bubba and Miguel
An article written by some former WWF stooge that never caught a fish for a living about a guy named Bubba that didn’t like being a fisherman. http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2012/11/20/catch-shares-save-fishermen-and-fish/
N.J. fishing industry works to recover from Sandy-POINT PLEASANT BEACH, N.J.
Commercial fisherman Jim Lovgren has navigated some rough seas lately. First, his 70-foot trawler, Viking II, swamped in high waves and sank 80 miles off Cape May in late September.
Then, on Oct. 22, Sandy took a dramatic swipe at the Fisherman’s Dock Cooperative, where Lovgren is a director and about a dozen third- and fourth-generation fishermen bring their catch to be sold at markets throughout the country. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20121120_N_J__fishing_industry_works_to_recover_from_Sandy.html
Gillnet Fishermen Committed to Reduce Harbor Porpoise Interaction
Preliminary data shows a low number of takes in OctoberThe following was released by the Northeast Seafood Coalition. GLOUCESTER, Mass. — November 20, 2012 — Gillnet fishermen in the Northeast region of the U.S. are making strident efforts to reduce harbor porpoise interactions and preliminary data shows a low number of takes in the month of October. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=b5nrgsdab&v=001a8Hy8I3nCiSqK_sIjgm-aYyGxnMZkGoQtuVzL2bHeuoHqE1rqPTxOVVdO66EOmP4U6rQJmzHjYNvL6ylOJu81k1O9QvfX84-P5W-gq2i0GSWRNslIUmlYg%3D%3D
Agency agrees to new long-line fishing rules
HONOLULU (AP) – The National Marine Fisheries Service has agreed to settle a lawsuit filed by environmentalists and says it will issue new rules aimed at preventing Hawaii fishermen when they’re fishing for tuna and swordfish. http://www.mauinews.com/page/content.detail/id/567130/Agency-agrees-to-new-long-line-fishing-rules.html
Offshore oil drilling for Virginia: undead and ugly
The folks in our commercial and fishing industries, and all the people who live and work in beach towns, should hear you talk about how confident you are in their ability to get by for a season on government handouts; if there’s longer-lasting damage, how maybe they can move to Northern Virginia and work in retail. I’m sure you can make it sound appealing. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/11/19/1163290/-Offshore-oil-drilling-for-Virginia-undead-and-ugly
Just in time for the Holidays! Walton Family Greenwashing by Dan Bacher
Privatizing the OceansMuch recent media attention has focused on Walmart’s announcement that it is canceling Thanksgiving plans for many of its employees. These workers will now have to work on the holiday as the retail giant kicks off its holiday sale at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, rather than waiting until midnight on “Black Friday.” Reporter’s lapse shows complicity of corporate media The bribery scandal was exposed on the same day that the Gloucester Times of Massachusetts exposed a reporting lapse,,,,,,,,,,“I didn’t think to check the EDF board for Walton family members, or Walton Family Foundation donations,”
Kiss my ass Jane. Unhappy Holidays to You.
Captain Jean Frottier – Friends say fisherman was hardworking, devoted family man
Tall and lanky, with a big smile, big heart and an easygoing nature, Frottier was a talker who could walk into a room of strangers and become the center of attention, his friends recalled. He once co-owned the Gifford House in Provincetown and a club, Cafe Exile, in Key West, Schmidt said.
Fishermen recalled his nicknames, like “Jeanius,” for his innate curiosity and problem-solving skills, or Jean-Jean the Fishing Machine, a reference to his mastery of any fishery, whether it was winter diving on bay scallops or rod-and-reel bluefin tuna. http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121120/NEWS/211200334
Learning lessons from BP oil spill-On the surface the damage seems limited, but the seabed is covered with a thick layer of gunk.
The idea was that dispersants would dissolve the oil and that what was left would be strongly diluted in the sea water. This would cause very little environmental damage. But it appears that a lot of dirt has sunk in flakes to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, forming a thick layer gunk on the seafloor.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2012-11-lessons-bp-oil.html#jCp
Editorial: What does it take for criminal probe of NOAA actions? It has reached the point at which it must be considered a criminal obstruction of justice.
For Buckson and NOAA in general to spend even a dime on this kind of bogus PR when they and the Commerce Department continue to refuse release of the so-called Swartwood II report – a 550-page follow-up report delving deeper into 66 additional cases of excessive NOAA enforcement — is beyond hypocritical. It has reached the point at which it must be considered a criminal obstruction of justice. http://www.gloucestertimes.com/opinion/x2120604507/Editorial-What-does-it-take-for-criminal-probe-of-NOAA-actions
D.B. Pleschner: Oceana claims controversy but knowledgeable; scientists disagree
But as usual, Oceana is attempting to obfuscate the truth to achieve its agenda of shutting down fishing.