Daily Archives: November 22, 2012

Scientists release a million tiny scallops into Sarasota Bay


A microscope photograph of scallop larvae like those released Wednesday into an area of Sarasota Bay as part of a series of releases designed to restore scallops to the area. Provided Photograph/Ronda Ryan, SarasotBay Watch RONDA RYAN


Bringing the ocean back into the Earth Summit Briefing and Recommendations to the First Intersessional Meeting of UNCSD (Rio+20) The Pew Environment Group

 75% of global fisheries are either fully utilized or overutilized; 10 and it was reported a few years ago that 90% of the large marine predators have already vanished due to unsustainable fishing,11

11 Worm et al., ―Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services.‖, 314 Science (3 November 2006), 787-790.

The Conference is to result in a focused political document, 4 and both the Conference and the preparatory process are5 to carry out an overall appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation. http://www.pewtrusts.org/uploadedFiles/wwwpewtrustsorg/Reports/Protecting_ocean_life/Pew_Rio20_brief.pdf

The Foley Fish Company Obtains MSC Certification

The Foley Fish Company, a fourth generation, family-owned, New England seafood business, renowned for its commitment to quality and stewardship, has obtained Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Certification. The company sells to fine dining restaurants, resorts, hotels and specialty retailers across the country. http://fis.com/fis/techno/newtechno.asp?l=e&id=56979  http://www.foleyfish.com/StoreBoston/main/home.aspx

“Dark Energy”: Life Beneath the Seafloor Discussed at Upcoming American Geophysical Union Conference

“Who in his wildest dreams could have imagined that, beneath the crust of our Earth, there could exist a real ocean…a sea that has given shelter to species unknown?” http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=126049&WT.mc_id=USNSF_51&WT.mc_ev=click

Letter: Quota caps would further harm fishery Paul Cohan – Captain, F/V Sasquatch Gloucester

NOAA and administrator Jane Lubchenco demanded and enacted a deeply flawed, possibly illegal amendment in which various interests have invested millions. It is just not financially feasible to undo this. Amendment 16 privatized and commodified fishing rights. Unless they intend to scuttle the “catch scam” system altogether, which is highly unlikely, the council will only exacerbate and perpetuate the misfortune of some while ensuring the fortunes of others by establishing accumulation limits this late in the game. Read More http://www.gloucestertimes.com/opinion/x520551946/Letter-Quota-caps-would-further-harm-fishery

Despite stock gains, NOAA chief sought cuts for tuna catch

 “She is on an agenda to deny American fishermen the right to succeed.”

“Dr. Lubchenco pushed hard to reduce the projected quota to far less than the current 1,750 metric tons to further conserve bluefin although such a reduction would have a devastating effect on fishermen and their communities,” Zales said in an email to the Times. “Managing and maintaining maximum sustainable yield is the prime objective of ICCAT and NOAA.” http://www.gloucestertimes.com/local/x520552032/Status-quo-holds-for-tuna-catch

Mid-Atlantic Fishery Council Meeting in Baltimore, MD: December 10-13, 2012

November 20, 2012 — The public is invited to attend the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s December 2012 meeting to be held at Pier V Hotel, 711 Eastern Ave., Baltimore, MD 21202, phone 410-539-2000.  Below is the meeting agenda.  NOTE:  For online access to the meeting, register here. Once registered you will receive an email confirming your registration with the information you need to join the Webinar. http://www.savingseafood.org/council-actions/mid-atlantic-fishery-council-meeting-in-baltimore-md-december-10-13-2.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SavingSeafoodRss+%28Saving+Seafood%29

Oregon Halibut Fisherman Fined for Federal Fisheries Crimes

During sentencing, Holland found that Hankins had knowingly testified falsely at his trial when he denied that he falsified the landing reports, and that this testimony amounted to perjury. Holland found further that Hankins were still “in a state of denial” about having committed the crime for which the jury convicted him. http://fnonlinenews.blogspot.com/2012/11/oregon-halibut-fisherman-fined-for.html

Competition Offers Options in Commercial Fishing Gear. Grundens-Helly Hansen

When it comes to choosing rain gear and boots for the commercial fishing season, durability, staying dry and comfort are still deciding factors. http://fnonlinenews.blogspot.com/2012/11/competition-offers-options-in.html