Daily Archives: April 3, 2013
Industry Transformations
I used to jump like an electricians apprentice getting his first jolt every time I’d get an email alert from certain places. I’d drop everything and post it on newsvine, and in the beginning, fisherynation. I’m not so jumpy anymore. I got one today about The Gulf of Maine Research Institutes Trawl to Table rsvp for permit holders and Captains to rub elbows with chefs, restaurant owners, and food service professionals for the day. continued link
New federal plan in works for reduction in trawler bycatch by Laine Welch
A new plan is being crafted by federal managers for Gulf of Alaska groundfish fisheries that will reduce bycatch by trawlers, and it will very likely result in a catch share plan. Now is the time for fishing residents to make sure the new program protects their access to local resources and sustains, instead of drains, their coastal communities. continued
The Fisheries Broadcast with John Furlong
The size and the scope of the Boston Seafood Show, and the price of crab for the opening of the fishery has been announced and so too has DFO’s decision on the QSA’s. People are pissed. audio
The Directed Virginia Offshore Summer flounder fishery closes Friday
The Directed Virginia Offshore Summer Flounder Fishery will close at 6 p.m. Friday. Vessels that have entered Virginia waters and are secured to an offloading site prior to that time may possess and offload no greater than 12,500 pounds of summer flounder during the April 3-5 landing period, said spokesman John Bull. continued
Petition Calls for Drastic Cuts to Striped Bass Fishing Limits
In recent years both commercial and recreational fishermen on the Vineyard, as well as along the eastern seaboard, have noted a decline in the abundance of striped bass. Scientists are also reporting a decline, but the threshhold isn’t yet low enough for fisheries managers to limit fishing. Those who signed the petition believe it is time to cut the fishing effort this year before it gets worse. continued
NEFMC – Press Release : Improved White Hake Stock, ABC could be increased by 13%
Attached is a press release regarding the Quota Increase for Groundfish Stock that will be the topic of discussion at the upcoming New England Fishery Management Council Meeting, April 23 – 25 in Mystic, CT. If you have any questions, please contact the Council office at (978) 465-0492, ext. 100. Read the press release
Alaska House bycatch resolution a casualty of Cook Inlet divisions
The Cook Inlet fish wars killed an effort in the Alaska House to ask the North Pacific Fishery Management Council to address king salmon bycatch in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. continued
Gulf fish counts to be examined – senators want the GAO to settle the dispute.
WASHINGTON — Congress’ investigative arm has decided to act on a request from a bipartisan group of senators and will review how the federal government calculates fishing stocks in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic. Fishing stocks, which are used to determine catch limits, have long been a source of contention between the fishing industry and environmental groups. continued
NOW AVAILABLE – 56th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (56th SAW) Assessment Summary Report
There is a new issue of the Center Reference Document series (13-04): 56th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (56th SAW) Assessment Summary Report by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Includes summary assessment of white hake and Atlantic surf clams. Download complete PDF/print version
Egan, Stedman join new Senate ‘Coastal Caucus’
JUNEAU EMPIRE – Five Alaska state senators, including Southeast Alaska Sens. Dennis Egan, D-Juneau, and Bert Stedman, R-Sitka, released a joint statement Tuesday announcing the formation of a Senate Coastal Caucus. continued
Early signs iffy for shrimp harvest in Charleston area
The Post and Courier – Shrimp — those tasty native Lowcountry crustaceans — are looking slim so far for the spring and the summer. But commercial shrimpers say it’s early yet. And if the past few years have shown anything, it’s that the always uncertain crop has been even more hit-and-miss. continued
Hey. It had to happen. The state’s 400 licensed eel fishermen are being filmed for a show called ‘Eel of Fortune.’
Maine’s eel fishing season has the potential to be packed with drama. Made-for-TV drama, apparently. Crews from a proposed Animal Planet network show called “Eel of Fortune” have been in Portland and Yarmouth for the past week, trying to capture some of that drama on the rivers. continued
Warren hears from local fishermen about industry ‘under attack’
Wicked Local -“They want to get rid of the little guys, the people that know how to nurture the resource, the people who do not care about getting rich,” Welch, a Scituate fisherman, said. “We just want to provide for our families, and we want to work, and we want to employ people.” continued
Lobster traps get eco-friendly changes
Changes are being made to lobster traps this year to ensure lobsters can get out of lost traps. continued
Nova Scotia Fisherman, 51, dies after falling into water outside Mahone Bay
BRIDGEWATER — A Lunenburg County lobster fisherman died Tuesday afternoon, seven hours after he was pulled from the water at a wharf just outside Mahone Bay. continued
National Wildlife Federation says environmental effects of BP spill far from over
Two weeks before the third anniversary of the BP Gulf oil spill, the National Wildlife Federation has issued a report declaring that the environmental effects are far from over and recommending ways to respond to lingering impacts and prevent future spills. continued
Louisiana Fisheries bills to be debated
Sen. Bret Allain, R-Franklin, said the actions taken by the federal government deserve an examination by the Legislature to seek out ways to help the fishery. “If NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Fisheries believes the situation in Louisiana is so dire that its citizens can only fish for nine days, then we should take drastic steps to help our state’s fisheries recover more quickly,” he said. continued
The Catch 22 of New England Fisheries’ Catch Share Scheme
“Man, I was gonna hit it big,” Maxfield recalls. “When I started, I saw myself in an industry where the average age of a captain was around 55 or 60, and I’m thinking, well, these guys are gonna start retiring.” He began saving money toward buying his own boat. Maxfield, now 36, has his boat at last — but no groundfish to catch with it. Cod stocks in the Gulf of Maine have cratered. continued
Lawmakers push to ease fish limits
Citing widespread evidence of an abundance of important commercial in shore fish stocks — and a scientific study that found flaws in the modeling methods used by the government to set catch limits — a contingent of state lawmakers led by Senate President Therese Murray is urging NOAA’s top fisheries official to delay dire cuts planned for May 1 and allow the fleet reasonable access to stocks while new studies are conducted into the vitality of the Gulf of Maine ecosystem. continued
Lobster price comes with a catch
THE VANGUARD – Looks like Old Man Winter has been able to accomplish what lobster fishermen haven’t been able to do for themselves over the past few seasons. He’s driven up the price of lobster.Last week fishermen – those who fish during the winter months – were being paid a shore price of $8 a pound for their lobsters. That’s a far cry from the $3 price back in the fall. continued