Daily Archives: August 7, 2013

Maine’s lobster bubble is threatening to burst, thanks to global warming and Canada

Alarmingly low prices are pushing the US state of Maine’s famed lobster industry to the brink of collapse. The cause? The menacing double-whammy of climate change and…Canadians. @quartz

Louisiana Fishermen want to see growth of oyster resource – Video

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission recently announced opening dates for the oyster season this fall. Fishermen in Cameron Parish seem to be satisfied with the dates.  But some would like to see  management to allow growth of the resource and a better livelihood for fishermen. @kplc

Pebble Waits, Frustration Grows – Pebble Partnership CEO John Shively has maintained for years that his company will submit its application soon.

“Well, we’re still working on that,” he said by phone Tuesday morning. “I do really think that there’s a better than even chance that we will submit our permit application later this year.” @alaskapublic

NMFS seeking feedback on a Discussion Draft re: Electronic Monitoring and Electronic Reporting in fed fisheries:

The objective of the Discussion Draft is to promote discussion and thinking within regions and across regions about EM/ER. Our goal for the final document, scheduled for completion this Fall, is to help managers and stakeholders consider the questions of how EM/ER tools can help contribute to a more cost-effective and sustainable collection of fishery dependent data in our federally-managed fisheries. @noaa.gov

NMFS announced today river herring not threatened or endangered – ESA Listing not Warranted

NOAA Fisheries announced today that listing alewife or blueback herring, collectively known as river herring, as either threatened or endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act is not warranted at this time. However, the agency has provided funding to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and we will be working with the Commission and other partners to implement a coordinated coast-wide effort to continue to address data gaps and proactively conserve river herring and their habitat. @noaa.gov

F/V Lonestar Salvage Ops Scrapped Tuesday, Weather To Blame

radio-microphoneThe DEC reports the vessel is secure, divers are ready, and another attempt is scheduled for Wednesday at 4:30pm. @kdlg

Nav/Com: What’s New in Bridge Electronics – Lot’s of info!

Suppliers of marine electronics, communication services and navigation software continue to advance technologies that make fishing more productive and efficient while keeping the end-user experience as easy as possible. @fishermensnewsonline


NOAA NMFS Northeast Region will also host a Public Webinar/Telephone Conference – Recently Announced Saltonstal​l-Kennedy Grant Availabili​ty

NOAA Fisheries Northeast Region will also host a Webinar/Telephone Town hall for members of the public to ask questions about the Saltonstall-Kennedy solicitation on Thursday, August 8 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Webinar info:  To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)  1. Go to https://nero-fso.webex.com/nero-fso/j.php?ED=151380957&UID=0&PW=NZWZhNDliNjhj&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D  2. If requested, enter your name and email address.  3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: Fish123  4. Click “Join”.  5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.    (note:  Webinar does not have audio so you will need to call in with the info below). Call-in info: Dial in Number: 1-888-469-1091  Participant Password:  Grants

NOAA Seeking Proposals for FY 2013 Saltonstall-Kennedy Competition  Link

Video: Coast Guard Medevacs Injured Fisherman from F/V Jerilyn in Southeast Alaska

uscg-logoA Coast Guard Air Station Sitka MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew hoists and injured  21-year-old fisherman from the vessel Jerilyn 92 miles southeast of Sitka,  Alaska, Aug. 5, 2013. The fisherman injured his arm and hand in a winch accident  aboard the vessel prompting his transport to Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital in Sitka for  treatment. U.S. Coast Guard video by Air Station Sitka. @dvidshub.net

National Marine Fisheries Service: New Regulation​s for Vermilion Snapper and Red Porgy Effective September 5, 2013

Population assessment updates for vermilion snapper and red porgy were recently completed.  The vermilion snapper update indicates the population is no longer undergoing overfishing (when fish are taken from the population too quickly) and is not overfished (when there are not enough fish in the population).  The stock assessment update for red porgy indicates the species is not undergoing overfishing but is still overfished.  Based on the outcome of these population assessment updates, NOAA Fisheries is proposing to modify several management measures for vermilion snapper and red porgy.  @noaa.gov

Lower numbers of sockeye salmon coming upstream this year isn’t a cause for worry for Okanagan Nation

While it may not be as high as some of the recent record returns, there are enough sockeye to allow for the opening of some of the fisheries that are already underway, including the test commercial fishery and the recreational fishery, which opened Aug. 1. @pentictonwestern

UPDATED: Regulators delay decision on quotas for baby eels – elver fishermen will have to wait six more months

Maine’s elver fishermen will have to wait six more months or more to find out whether regulators will impose quotas or other restrictions on the highly profitable industry for baby eels. @morningsentinal

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission considering quotas for Maine eels

Regulators from East Coast states are  considering possible new regulations that could place an annual quota  on Maine’s lucrative eel fishery. @kennebecjournal

John Sackton – Seafood Sustainability too important to be left to NGO’s

Down to Earth: Seals, sharks and sustainability

From the late 1800s through the 1960s, Maine and Massachusetts had a bounty on  seals to keep the fishing grounds seal-free. They were hunted until there were  virtually no seals in the waters off of Massachusetts. In 1972, the Marine  Mammal Protection Act was passed to help bring back the populations of several  sea mammals. @ojournal

The Louisiana Shrimp Task Force Crab trap proposal advances

The task force, a 19-member panel in charge of studying and monitoring the shrimp industry and making recommendations to the Wildlife and Fisheries Commission and other state agencies, approved the measure at its Tuesday meeting in Houma. @houmatoday